Najah Bazzy

Najah Bazzy is known to health-care professionals across the U.S. as an expert in cross-cultural care of patients. An experienced nurse as well as a practicing Muslim and active Arab-American, Bazzy has talked to medical schools, hospital staffs and conferences about the importance of responding to the cultural differences in America’s ever-more-diverse communities. Her ReadTheSpirit book The Beauty of Ramadan is written both for practicing Muslims who want to learn about the inspirational month of fasting—and for professionals in education, health care and other forms of public service who need to know about this practice followed by a billion Muslims worldwide.


Najah Bazzy has devoted her life to promoting an appreciation of diversity—coupled with improvements in education and well-being. She co-founded the nonprofit Zaman International so that she could help launch pilot programs aimed particularly at women and children in vulnerable situations. One of her most creative ideas through Zaman is BOOST (Building Ongoing Opportunities through Sustained Training). In many minority communities, women face dire crises if they suddenly find themselves as single parents. English-language literacy is essential for everyone, but especially people trying to support a household. BOOST’s Sewing for Literacy project combines reading skills with vocational training in producing custom-made quilts. Women talented in needlework create beautiful quilts that include alphabet patterns. And that’s just one small part of Zaman, which is just one part of Bazzy’s humanitarian work.


Bazzy’s other talents lie in energizing young people to engage in their religious communities—a big problem in minority cultures where youth tend to stray toward mainstream pop culture. A mother and longtime community volunteer in youth work, Bazzy is co-founder of North America’s largest Muslim youth group.


Najah Bazzy travels widely and pursues an extremely busy professional schedule. She has frequently been interviewed by print, radio and TV reporters and has been featured in documentary films. She is open to considering requests, but plan ahead to accommodate her schedule. Direct inquiries to [email protected]