About Blood Cancer

How do you react after being told about your blood cancer?

At first, it was a low white blood cell count. The low count was discovered during a routine test after surgery to remove Rodney’s gall bladder. More tests, more low results. Red blood cells and hemoglobin were low too, but nobody said a word about blood cancer.

Yet, the next doctor Rodney Curtis was sent to happened to work at The Cancer and Leukemia Center.

Blood cell counts rise and fall just like the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening. It’s “part of a natural ebb and flow,” the doctor told Rodney.

about blood cancer

What do you buy when you’re told you have cancer? CC BY 2.0/Wikimedia

Still, Rodney was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

So what did he do first?

Nobody thought Rodney could have leukemia, because he showed no signs at all, except for the pesky test results.

First step: Don’t act the patient, act like Rodney, he was told. The cure rate is very high.

Second step: Check into the hospital for a month.

And last but not least, he bought an iPad.

Of course, being Rodney, he also came up with a slogan, which was later inscribed onto hundreds of lollipops:

“Let’s Lick Leukemia.”


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