Dog owner poems

Words will never be as graceful…

…as the dog described therein

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.” —Edward Hoagland

Photo by Digital-Image-Fan

It is in our nature, as humans, to describe our dogs to one another. Or to whip out a cell phone to show pictures—as the proud “father” of Pumpkin, a very orange Golden Retriever, did at Radio Shack.

George Gordon, Lord Byron, the tabloid cover boy of the Victorian era, wrote a beautiful description of his Newfoundland Retriever, Boatswain. It is probably the most sincere piece of literature Byron produced.

A dog’s loyalty inspires loyalty in man, it seems. We see in them the best of human behavior and find ourselves desiring to rise to the challenge.

Rob Pasick, author of Conversations With My Old Dog, is just that sort of dog owner. Poems in his book include his musings from topics like clutter—and how dogs don’t hoard like humans do—to aging with grace, as he watched his 13-year-old Yellow Lab do when she began to decline.

Conversations With My Old Dog is a great addition to a collection of pet poetry, and a thoughtful gift for dog owners of all stripes. It can be purchased through this web site or through