Native Foods: A Recipe for Health

The blue iris native to swamps in central and eastern North America, can treat digestive and skin complaints. CC BY 2.0/Wikimedia
There is a lot of attention today to healthier lifestyles. It is also true that because the cost of health care is so high many people are looking for alternatives.
Many of the common medicines today came from herbal remedies practiced by Native Americans. For example, many people are not aware of a tea that was introduced into the medical community in the early 1900’s that has proven its ability. It is called “Essaic Tea.”
Knowledge is powerful and the more knowledgeable we become the less we are subject to. These references may prove to be of assistance in your research efforts.
To read more about by experience with native foods, read my book, Dancing My Dream, now available through this web site and through
Native American Food Online
Native American Medicine
How to Cook Native American Recipes