American Indian History, Geography, Culture

Correcting Historical Oversight

First Native American woman author, educator and defender of human rights Sarah Winnemucca, 1844-1851.

For one hundred and fifty years anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists have studied the Native American. Thousands of journals have been written and grant money has been spent to support this effort. Current academic institutions still rely on these textbooks in addressing cultural diversity. The problem is not one Native American was ever offered the opportunity to express his or her opinion.

So what you have is a lot of material written to meet western ideals and under the western educational influence. In most academic circles today, this material would not be considered accurate without the active participation of those being studied.

As human consciousness has risen and the human effort has recognized the discrepancies too often presented in these journals and books, we are digging deeper into the subject matter. Today, among the Native American population, we have anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, geologists, doctors, journalists and college professors who address the discrepancies and give a clearer picture of who we are. Listed below are some web sites that might help you if you are a researcher interested in the Native American perspective.

Dancing My Dream is my own first-person account as a Native pushing aside five hundred years of European prejudices to find my true identity. Dancing My Dream can be purchased through this web site or through

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