Bureau of Indian Affairs: Great Name, Poor Track Record

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Picture from a 1970 sit-in against the Bureau of Indian Affairs, from the Denver Public Library.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is a division of the Department of the Interior, as is the Bureau of Land Management. The Department of the Interior is the only government agency in the world created to supervise a race of people within a country. Neither of these agencies has a good track record dealing with our people and in most places are held in contempt by our people due to improprieties. We have to get permission from the Bureau of Land Management to go to some of our sacred places which are controlled by guards and fenced-in property.

There are too many issues to be addressed in a couple of paragraphs. Current issues can be accessed through the Native publication called Indian Country and the website Indianz.com.

I have addressed the historical damage caused by the BIA and other agencies and found healing. To read about my healing journey, purchase Dancing My Dream through this web site or through Amazon.com.