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Author Bio
Sure. But this might take a while,
is how Bob Alper responds when the passenger flying next to him asks what he does. He’s a rabbi who earned a doctorate at Princeton Theological Seminary, has performed stand-up comedy hundreds of times with Arab and Muslim comedians, and is heard daily on the Sirius/XM clean comedy channel. Bob is also an author who adores living in rural Vermont with his wife Sherri, a psychotherapist, a pair of affectionate but annoying geriatric cats, and Barney, a loveable rescue dog from Puerto Rico who ignores commands in both English and Spanish. Bob’s unique experiences, from leading large congregations to performing stand-up at Toronto’s Muslimfest,
make for a wealth of gentle stories that touch people of all backgrounds with warmth, humor, and wisdom.
Downloadable Material
Full Color Promotional Flyer – PDF
Author photo – High resolution JPEG