Misheard lyrics, misunderstood sayings, oh my!

Do you or your friends suffer from “misheard lyrics”?

How many times have you been singing along, only to find that you and your friend wildly diverge on a line of music, perhaps in completely different directions? You may have an issue of misheard lyrics.

Is it “Rock the Kasbah,” “Lock the Cashbox” or “Rock the Cat Box?”

Or if you’ve heard Credence Clearwater Revival: Is it “There’s a bad moon on the rise,” or “There’s a bathroom on the right”?

These kinds of things always persist well into adulthood, as Rodney Curtis, Spiritual Wanderer, knows.

misheard lyrics

Just a few years ago, he was convinced Stevie Nicks was singing “Just like the one-winged dove sings a song,” instead of “Just like the white-winged dove sings a song.”

Perhaps it could be genetic as well, Rodney’s oldest daughter misheard “Hallelujah” as “I knew ya,” at church.

Or maybe you just have to be related. Rodney’s wife and all of his in-laws suffer from misheard lyrics as well, which extends to things in their daily life as well, not just music, referring to the circus-star as a “type rope walker,” and confusing “Liar, Liar, Pacifier!” respectively.

All of these and more can be found in Rodney Curtis’ book, Spiritual Wanderer.

Check out a sample chapter of Spiritual Wanderer.