- Note: click on the links to read the full stories.
- Foreword
- Introduction
- I. Birth
- 1. And on the Eighth Day You Shall…
- 2. Oh, but She’s Perfect!
- 3. Cutting the Cord
- II. Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
- 4. Beginning the New Year at Sea
- 5. “Quick! Beneath the Tallis!”
- 6. Never Too Late
- 7. So, Who Is a Jew?
- 8. By God’s Design
- III. Shabbat
- 9. Making Ten
- 10. Of All Things, a Piano?
- 11. God? In a Parking Lot?
- 12. Shalom Aleichem
- 13. On the Doorposts of Your House and on Your Gates
- 14. “And with Her the Angels of Peace and of Rest”
- 15. Should War Beset Me, Still Would I Be Confident
- 16. Transition
- IV. Sukkot and Simchat Torah
- 17. The Time of Our Joy
- 18. It Is a Tree of Life
- 19. We Are Your Ancestors; You Are Our Children
- V. Mitzvot
- 20. If the Mitzvah Fits
- 21. Chosen Schmosen
- 22. Addiction’s Gift
- 23. Hugs from Home
- VI. Chanukah
- 24. Protestant B, Not
- VII. Tu B’Shevat
- 25. A Tree Grows in the Vatican
- VIII. Bar and Bat Mitzvah
- 26. Standing up to the Fires of Hate
- 27. Survival on the Back Forty
- 28. Out of Crisis
- 29. From Generation to Generation
- 30. Beyond Music
- 31. Bat Mitzvah Symphony
- 32. And Miriam Led the Women
- IX. Purim
- X. Passover
- 34. Out of Bondage
- XI. Marriage and Divorce
- 35. The 18th Ketubah
- 36. Two Weddings and a Chuppah
- 37. My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His
- 38. Living Waters
- XII. Yom HaShoah and Yom HaAtzma’ut
- 39. Ring of Fire
- 40. “I Kiss the Imprints of Your Fingers”
- 41. Standing at Attention
- 42. A Cohen by Any Other Name
- 43. Getting Fit
- 44. Building a Relationship Stone by Stone
- 45. Mother Tongue
- XIII. Shavuot
- 46. Will the Real Anti-Semites Please Stand Up?
- 47. Single, and Together at Last
- 48. My Nana Is Jewish
- 49. A Child Chooses Jewish Life
- 50. I Belong Here
- XIV. Tishah B’Av
- 51. On the Knife-Edge of History
- XV. Death
- 52. How Goodly Are Thy Tents, O Jacob!
- 53. Beyond Time and Death
- 54. She Is Pure
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Notes on Interviewees
- About Flora Rosefsky