Latest News on ‘United America’ and Dr. Wayne Baker

United America cover by Wayne Baker

CLICK THE COVER to learn more about the book.

United America and author Dr. Wayne E. Baker are crossing the nation, helping communities to rediscover their common ground through 10 values that Dr. Baker has documented through research at the University of Michigan. To ask about scheduling Dr. Baker for an event—or to ask about ordering a quantity of books for a “group read” in your community—email us [email protected]

LEARN ABOUT United America on this Resource Page, including free downloads: full-color posters of the 10 values, study guides and even a gallery of American Images that Dr. Baker uses in his public programs.

ENJOY an in-depth interview with Dr. Baker about United America.

THE FOLLOWING NEWS ITEMS show how Dr. Baker’s book is being welcomed nationwide. If you plan an event in your area involving United America, email us and your news may be listed here. We invite you to share or re-post any of these news items to spark interest in your community.



  • PUBLIC RADIO WBEZ—Dr. Baker was invited to the studios of Chicago’s powerful WBEZ for an on-air conversation about his book. WBEZ now streams that fascinating interview online.
  • SOJOURNERS with JIM WALLIS—Special thanks to Jim Wallis and the Sojourners team for publishing a column by Dr. Baker headlined “A Republican, A Democrat and a Buddhist Walk into a Room …” And, this week starting April 28, Dr. Baker explores this very hopeful theme—that civil dialogue is possible in America—in a week-long OurValues series.
  • NPR REPORT BY ALAN GREENBLATT—In his story, “Of Me I Sing,” National Public Radio correspondent Alan Greenblatt focuses on Dr. Baker’s chapter about individualism and self reliance. (And a big Thank You to Alan for that story! It has been reposted in various NRP regions, including New England public radio—and now on the website for KAZU in the Monterey Bay area. Keep spreading the news!)
  • IN HUFFINGTON POST—Dr. Baker was invited by Huffington Post editors to write occasional columns related to his new book. His headline is Why New Anti-Gay Legal Campaigns Will Fail: They Collide with True American Religious Freedom.
  • AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION—The professional network for the ASA’s Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity also has weighed in with a notice on United America. The ASA webmaster cleverly added the downloadable chart of the 10 values documented in Dr. Baker’s research. (You’re free to do that, too, on your website.)
  • EDWARD VIELMETTI—A popular online writer and long-time contributor to building a better Internet, Edward Vielmetti recommended Dr. Baker’s book, pointing out in a short column that it is helpful to see such a well-researched book countering media hype that tends to promote America’s divisions.
  • ROBERT CORNWALL—Educator, author and Disciples of Christ pastor Robert Cornwall pursues this same theme—media hype vs. grassroots potential for unity—in a very thoughtful review of the book, which concludes: “I encourage the reading of the book … Exploring these values, especially in conversation with others, can help Americans move toward recognizing our underlying unity.”
  • BIBLE STUDY ANYONE? Dr. Baker’s book is based on scientific, secular, neutral research into American values. The book is ideal for business groups and classrooms. But, again this week, we heard the question: “Can this book be used in church groups?” The answer is: Yes, especially with the help of this free Bible Study Guide to United America.
  • PUBLIC RADIO—Cynthia Canty interviewed Dr. Baker in this 12-minute broadcast, which you can listen to on this public radio website. In introducing Dr. Baker, she told listeners: “When you look at the gridlock in Washington, the Red Blue state stereotypes, divisive and alarming messages blasted out at us … it’s easy to conclude that our nation is divided and bitter. But what does science tell us about what is truly in the hearts and minds of Americans? My next guest has applied the science, asked the questions, and come up with an answer that is as surprising as it is reassuring: We are much more united as a people than you might have thought.”
  • BILL TAMMEUS—A veteran journalist, for many years based at the Kansas City Star, Bill’s Faith Matters column is now read nationwide. In writing about United America, Bill concluded: “I don’t know but I’m pretty sure that whatever we’re doing now isn’t working, so let’s give Wayne’s ideas a try.”
  • ALAN CARUBA—As a social scientist, Dr. Baker is not a political partisan himself. His research is reported in a balanced way—and United America is drawing praise from a wide spectrum of commentators, including the popular conservative writer Alan Caruba. In his Warning Signs blog, Caruba writes:As one reads Dr. Baker’s book, one comes away with a renewed confidence in the judgment of Americans, confirming that their core values are those that have made America a beacon of freedom in the world.” In his Bookviews blog, Caruba told readers:The book is not some boring academic study, but a lively examination of the values and one that will be of use to individual readers as well as educators and groups …”
  • HUFFINGTON POST—Dr. Baker now publishes occasional columns related to United America in the Huffington Post.


Many authors are urging Americans to find a common ground for civil dialogue—including Brian D. McLaren, who wrote the preface to Dr. Baker’s book. This spring, Dr. Baker is crisscrossing the country speaking at various events. Please, email us at [email protected] (Or, you can visit the United America Press Materials page in our website.)


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(Originally published at, an on line magazine covering religion, spirituality, values and interfaith and cross-cultural issues.)