Seeking work

Seeking work in the modern age.

Unemployment is a huge mental stress, just ask anyone who’s been out of a job and needs one. But seeking work can be very demoralizing, especially once the rejection letters or non-answers start piling up. There are two problems with finding work after you’ve been laid off: being overqualified and being overwhelmed due to the sheer number of applicants that want the same position you’re gunning for.

Rodney Curtis received his fair share of rejections. At one point, he received the following after applying for a job teaching journalism at an accredited university:

Dear Mr. Curtis, we received a high number of applications from extremely well-qualified candidates. The pool was so outstanding that we regret that we have only one position available. We have now filled the position. Unfortunately, our search ended this year without making a hire.

Due to responses like that, Rodney felt that there was no option but to fight silly with silly.

seeking work

Getting rejected is tough enough, an ambiguous note back from a potential employer just muddied the waters.

Where do you apply when things start to look a little hopeless?

Rodney continued sending in his applications for teaching positions, but he began to branch out a little. One application went to an all-girl’s school in London. Another went to Ghost Ranch. It never got as bad as it did in the 1980s though, back then Rodney sent Ginsu knives with his portfolio.

Why do all this? Besides Rodney being Rodney, silly applications can help ease the load of unemployment and related stress. Being laid off is bad, but the silver lining is that you no longer have to go to work in the morning. While you’re busy getting back on your feet, just keep that in mind.

As Rodney’s daughter said,

“You’re just taking time out of the rat race until you can figure out what you’re racing for.”