Nine out of 10 people say they pray regularly. Can you suggest a prayer that you’ve found helpful?
Why This Matters:
Helen Keller framed it well when she said: “Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world.” Prayer is one way to break away from the temptation to self-pity. Prayer reaches beyond our individual limitations. Millions of us believe that prayer matters because God can make a difference in our lives. But, even if you are skeptical of faith, a discipline of prayer still can make a difference in your life. Prayers provide perspective. They can calm us. Holding prayers close to us can eventually transform our vision of each day and each small action we embrace as caregivers. As with Quotes & Poems, I recommend that people print out or write down a favorite prayer and carry the text with you.
Personally, I use the Prayer of St. Francis every morning. It begins …
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love …
St. Francis of Assisi