Your healthiest New Year’s Resolution? Get Screened for cancer!

COVID-19 caused many Americans to fall behind on screenings.
Getting back on track with regular screenings is essential
to finding cancer early and taking control of your health.
A message from Cancer Screen Week.

Author of Shining Brightly

COVID knocked us all off schedule! That’s the nationwide consensus of healthcare providers. All of us need to share the news:

Cancer screening is your healthiest New Year’s resolution!

You can remind others simply by sharing a link to this column with friends and family via social media or email. See those social media sharing buttons at the top of this column? It’s so easy to spread this news.

We all can use this reminder, as a nation. That’s especially true of Americans from our all-too-often underserved minority communities.

If you really understand this challenge—perhaps your family already has struggled with cancer—then you’ll want to take a look at this amazing set of Resources provided for all of us for this year’s Cancer Screen Week. That page has colorful charts, posters and other social-media friendly resources you can share—including some options that highlight stories from minority communities.

As I’ve told the world in my memoir, Shining Brightly, a regular cancer screening saved my life. In fact, I wish I’d gotten around to asking for that screening years earlier. If I had scheduled that test just a few years earlier than I did, my struggle through surgeries and other agonizing treatments might have been avoided. Doctors might have found easily removable tissue, rather than the large tumor they spotted that led to years of treatments and a slow recovery.

Saving a life this way is sooo easy!

Just take a moment and check with your health-care provider. Today, there are easy ways to get screened, so don’t be afraid. After all: You want to enjoy the year-end holidays in 2023 with your loved ones, don’t you?

My New Year’s Resolution is to convince as many people as possible to get back on track with the regular screenings our doctors recommend.

And just maybe, if I’m good at my job as Cancer Screen Week’s Colorectal Cancer Ambassador, this year, I just might save a life or two.

And that will truly ensure a Happy New Year for countless friends and loved ones.




Care to learn more?

This is a perfect moment to become one of Howard’s growing global community of friends by ordering your copy of his book.

Here are other articles we have published, exploring the launch of this book:

Take a look at the book’s Foreword: ‘Shining Brightly’ Foreword by Dr. Robert J. Wicks: ‘Learn anew about the American Dream’

And especially read this story: Two-time cancer survivor Howard Brown writes ‘Shining Brightly’ to encourage others to stay healthy

A Free Resource Guide

If you’re among the millions of Americans facing cancer, you’ll want to download a free-to-share resource guide from Shining Brightly:




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