Blessed With the GH Seal Again!

Haven’t even been able to see it myself since I’m still out here in Arkansas miles from a Rite-Aid or a Border’s where a magazine stand might be found…but I hear tell from my dear husband holding the fort back home that my essay, “My Clutter Calendar” appears in the August issue of Good Houskeeping magazine. Page 189. I had titled it “Summer Cleaning” but hey, they publish me, they can pick the title.

And what is summer cleaning you ask as opposed to spring cleaning? Read the article.  No….I”ll give you a hint.

Spring cleaning throws open the windows and clears out dust and the wan and tired things you’ve held on to. You’re brimming with sap and energy as you sweep and brush and scour.  But summer cleaning is quieter, more reflective; you retreat to the basement where it’s cool, going through old boxes remembering and culling.  Spring cleaning lets go; summer cleaning holds on. 

Back in November I was in NYC and went up to GH’s wonderful offices in the Hearst Building.  I got a tour of the famed test kitchens and met with two really cool recent college grads: one a bio major, one a chem major. They now work for GH, testing all kinds of gizmos and products. The day  I was there they were brushing great swaths of crimson, carmine, rose, fuchsia and puce (do we get the color scheme?) on a board to test for colorfastness.  Who knew you could get such a job?

GH stands behind any product with their seal.  They’ve been doing this for 125 years.  There’s something really comforting to that kind of integrity in a world where “flip-flop” refers to the perennial speech of our politicians and elected officials, not just summer footwear.

I’m home Sunday.  It’s been a great stay. Met and made new friends, ate well, walked and walked these beautiful green hills. Am coming home with two new children’s stories; two essays (one may appear on AOL) but I’m not counting those eggs, or readers yet. And most satisfying, and natch the longest shot to seeing light of day, about 20,000 words on a second novel. 

So, nu?  What are you waiting for? You’re closer to a Rite-Aid than I am. Go get your copy of the August Good Housekeeping. On your newsstands today!  Enjoy.
 there you have it. Now, go get that Good Housekeeping!

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5 thoughts on “Blessed With the GH Seal Again!

  1. Leah Rubin

    Congrats and mazel tov! Quite something for you, and I look forward to reading it. I’ve been away from home for 3 weeks (new grandson born in Sacramento) so I’ve neglected my blog and the blogs I love to read for a while. Time for me to start cranking out some new posts.

    On the airplane home, however, I did write about 1500 words that are the start of a little mystery I seem to have emerging…

  2. Lisa Hollis

    Debra, hearty congratulations, and it’s no surprise to those of us who read your work regularly. What a wonderful endorsement of your writing! Can’t wait to see the issue and will be hanging around my mailbox daily until it arrives, despite the horrible heat and humidity down here in New Orleans. You certainly deserve this honor, and now our curiousity is piqued by your hint of more wonderful work to come (the novel – do share!).

  3. Dondra Maney

    Your writing always brings a new perspective to me, Debra, so I will look forward to reading Clutter Calendar this month! I “discovered” you in GH a while back, and I’m delighted the magazine staff (really IS a great magazine!) was smart enough to feature your work again. Congratulations!!

  4. Debra

    Lisa, Leah, and Dondra,

    Thank you so much for your comments and good wishes. I don’t know that the article will mediate the Nawlins heat but it might make you forget it for a few minutes. Congrats on the new grandson! Joy! And 1500 words. Wonderful.

    GH is a great mag. Like you I rediscovered it when they approached me to publish the dogwood piece early last year. If you (and any other comment readers) are so inclined, GH is asking for reader input. Which columns are a must read? they ask. What do you want to see more of? Tell us what you think…..

    So, if you are so inclined, go to and give your feedback. Pro and con. (PUt me on the pro side!) As a thank you, they will enter you in a sweepstakes for a $5000 Amex gift card.
    Winning is a long shot but then I never thought I’d ever be in GH, either, so you never know.

    It’s a fine magazine with a great history behind it. The whole industry of writers reaching readers is in big time transition; having this feedback can be a magazine’s lifeblood.

    OK off the soapbox. Thank you again for reading and for your support and loyalty across the miles.


  5. Amanda Unger

    My Mom started gifting GH to me about 15 years ago. This past Christmas I started gifting GH to my now 23 year old Daughter. We love your magazine! We now have even more to share in our ever so close relationship. I’ts wonderful when she calls and says “Mom did you read such and such?” or “did you try this recipe yet?” If you would add anything to GH it would be super to see some articles and stories aboout younger generation women and their accomplishments or stories about being new wives and moms. Again love your magazine and I look forward to every issue as much as my Daughter does. I look forward to when she has a Daughter that she will be able to gift GH to!

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