Blogs & sites/sites & blogs

I don’t know if lassoing an agent is any easier these days but the resources afforded by the internet sure are helpful. Whatever your stage in the writing game, the sites below provide useful information, interesting discussions and good leads. Ponies, ponies everywhere. (If that reference leaves you scratching your forelock, read last week’s — 5.20.08 — post.) has a solid search engine that lets you tailor your parameters according to subject matter, which agents accept email or snail mail (and if they are accepting queries in the first place.) The good folks at this site have just initiated a social networking forum as well. is a great place to go once you’ve targeted a few agents to query. The site’s water cooler page gives the lowdown on other writers’ experience with a particular agent.

AAR’s site (Association of Author’s Representatives) is a bit clunky looking but the material presented is pure gold.

Alas Miss Snark is no longer posting. Overwhelmed and time-drained by her own success, Miss Snark, whose avatar is a very stern looking Bichon Frisee (nothing like my beloved McKenzie), exited the blogosphere some time ago. However past posts remain as useful and barky snarky snappy as ever.

And now for some agents who hide not ‘neath fur nor feathers.
BookEnds Literary Agency
Nelson Literary Agency
Nathan Bransford

Now scoot! Go do some writing and then, and only then, check out these blogs.

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3 thoughts on “Blogs & sites/sites & blogs

  1. Cindy La Ferle

    Thanks for these agent leads … Finding the right agent is harder than finishing a book, in my experience. Your generous tips are always appreciated. Again, glad to see you blogging!

  2. debra darvick

    You are absolutely right — finishing a book, rewriting it even, is totally easier than finding the right agent. But if past is prologue then as we finish our books space will just have to open up for those agents!

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