His Lens/My Pen #8: Steady in Flight
As with last month’s image, Martin captured this when he was on his own. He was in Florida taking a multi-mile bike ride in Everglades National Park while I was on the other coast visiting our son Elliot. I think next to flowers, birds are his favorite subject to photograph. This amazing anhinga reminds me to stay in the moment and focus on the task at hand. It also reminds me that next time he goes to the Everglades, I’m going too!
Click on the image to see it in a much larger version.
If you’re new to this His Lens/My Pen series, it’s pretty simple. My husband snaps the shots and I write the words. Go to HisLensMyPen.com and enjoy some of the images you may have missed. Join in this week’s discussion: When and how do you achieve mindfulness? Remind your friends to be mindful today: Share this link with them on Facebook!
Searching for an image to focus on in meditation? This anhinga in flight could be perfect for you or your favorite meditator. Order this card from my Etsy shop and begin the journey toward mindfulness. If you live near the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center in Michigan it, and others in the series, are available in the BBAC’s gallery.