His Lens/My Pen #5: What the Waves Can Teach Us

2013’s final His Lens/My Pen image was taken in Laguna Beach, California. It was a cool January afternoon. Martin and I found this spot at the end of a neighborhood street. One after another after another, the waves crashed against these boulders, insistent, intrepid, interminable. Looking at the notch they had worn through sheer rock, I realized that’s what we have to do in life: never cease moving forward, never let barriers keep you from getting where you need to go.

If you’re new to this His Lens/My Pen series it’s pretty simple. My husband snaps the shots and I write the words.  Go to HisLensMyPen.com and enjoy some of the images you may have missed. Join in this week’s discussion: recall a time when you have worn through sheer rock to get where you needed to go.

This images, and others in the series, are now available as 5×7 greeting cards at my new Etsy Shop — TheInfinitePeacock.  Check it out!




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10 thoughts on “His Lens/My Pen #5: What the Waves Can Teach Us

  1. Laya Crust

    As always a beautiful image accompanied by perfect words. I love Martin’s photographs. They have energy and beauty, balance and flow. Your words add another dimension. All the best for a wonderful year of moving forward.

  2. Linda Anger

    What a perfect post for the end of the year, Debra!
    Last night, I was on the verge of resignation in a situation involving a family member.
    With this post, my attitude has changed.
    Thank you – and Happy New Year!

  3. Debra Darvick Post author

    Linda, what a beautiful sentiment to share. I am so very glad that the image helped you to find
    a way through and back to staying engaged with your family member. Thank you so for letting me know.

  4. Cindy La Ferle

    You and Martin are a great creative team. This photo could represent the past 5 years for me, with my mother’s ever-progressing health problems being the non-negotiable “rocks and boulders” in my path. I’ve had to be like that ocean — negotiating the obstacles; crashing against them periodically — while trying to keep my own semblance of autonomy. Your image helps me see it this way — thank you.

    1. Debra Darvick Post author

      You are welcome, Cindy. You have certainly be thrashed against the rocks while caring for your mom with such dedication. I’m glad that the image has also allowed you to see where you carved autonomy for yourself as well. Looking forward to our lunch!

  5. Judi A.

    My hubby passed away after being ill for only a week. Continually crashing against the barriers of grief and the rocks of frustration at trying to get accounts changed to my name and getting income re-established that were “frozen” at his death have at times seemed unyielding. Bit by bit pieces have broken down and allowed a way through, but the rocks of grief are going to take a long time.

  6. suzy farbman

    gorgeous photo. interesting insight. what makes you sure the rocks didn’t rise up as two, separate? just askin…

  7. Debra Darvick Post author

    They very well could have risen up as two separate entities. However being a writer and not a geologist/oceanologist/vulcanologist the possibility never even occurred to me! Glad you liked the pairing.

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