Martin was visiting Colonial Fort Michilimackinack (circa 1700’s) in Mackinaw City, Michigan a summer or two ago when he took this shot. I just love it. The contrast of the clean white shirt hanging slightly askew against the weathered grey wood. The wooden pegs, with one left over. The slight strip of green of grass echoing the mossy knots in the planks. Martin was drawn to the image not only for its visual charm, but for what it evoked: simpler times, harsher times, times when clothing was made by hand from threads hand spun and hand woven. Above all it’s the simplicity of this image that always catches my heart. Even when I’m not with him, the photos he takes make sure that I don’t miss out.
Click on the image to see it in a much larger version.
If you’re new to this His Lens/My Pen series, it’s pretty simple. My husband snaps the shots and I write the words. Go to and enjoy some of the images you may have missed. Join in this week’s discussion: what simple act of housekeeping gives you pleasure? Make your friends happy today; share this link with them on Facebook!
Want to spruce up your laundry room? Order this card from my Etsy shop. Or send it to someone who also appreciates the simplicity of tasks well done. And if you live in Michigan, this, and other images in the series, is available at the Birmingham Bloomfield Arts Center.
I find JOY in glimmer and shine…. so clean sparkly floors, counters, and of course bathroom thrones and sinks! I enJOY the fresh shiny regifting spirit of the completed domestic task, hence there is a “I am well pleased” AHHH when sunshine reveals my having “putting forth my my best effort! “
My favorite household task? A stack of nicely folded sheets and towels!
I love folding warm laundry!
I love folding warm laundry.
Tidying up is what brings a smile to my face. I do not like clutter, which usually means there is a project (or two or three or four) waiting there for me to complete. I complete the projects, thereby clearing the counters, tables, etc. Clear surfaces and completed projects in one fell swoop – pure joy