His Lens/My Pen #9: Finding Inner Stillness


As you know from the third image in the His Lens/My Pen–A Perspective on Truth–I sometimes rotate images to find a deeper insight. When I saw Martin’s shot of this egret chillin’ on the beach in Santa Monica, I thought things might get interesting if I turned the image upside down.

How often do we feel like that bird, all razzed and frazzed on the outside, reaching out everywhere for a way to calm down. Next time it happens, summon up this ol’ bird on the beach and dive beneath the surface. But don’t hold your breath.

Breathe! Stillness awaits.

If the spirit moves you, please share this month’s His Lens/My Pen with friends and loved ones. And if you’re so moved, jot me a note about how you access your inner stillness. We can all learn from each other.

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2 thoughts on “His Lens/My Pen #9: Finding Inner Stillness

  1. Yvette

    Hello Debra,
    This is great. I love the photo. Of course as you know, I find my stillness every morning with my morning practices. Thanks for sharing. I will share on FB, the theme for class tonight

  2. Debra Darvick Post author

    Thank you, Yvette. Hope to get to class one evening soon. And thank you for sharing with your friends and students. Would love to know how they react. Sat Nam.

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