Sealed Again

Between the Jewish holidays and an enormous amount of travel, time’s been scarce to non-existent to blog. A blogiday for us both?

And while I have a myriad of idea threads I am itching to weave into posts — why we cannot laminate life, the wonders of Sedona, experiencing a blast of wind whose source is somewhere in the earth’s core –what I want to note for now is my latest essay in Good Housekeeping magazine.

Just published in the November issue (page 117) and available on newsstands now, I wrote about my neighbor Shelby and what it means to have such a “first-responder” friend a mere 150 feet up the sidewalk. At a time when our relationships are more virtual than flesh, it’s a blessing to have a neighbor with whom I can share the good days and bad, borrow eggs, and return the favor with onions and a cup of tea.

So check it out. Tell the good folks at GH that you love their choice in contributors. And if you don’t yet have a “first-responder” relationship with someone on your block, or in your apartment building, maybe now’s the time to make one.

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9 thoughts on “Sealed Again

  1. Amy Trager

    Congratulations on yet another published piece! I look forward to picking up the November issue of GH and reading what is sure to be a good article. Love, Amy

  2. Judi A.

    Just received my GH magazine in the mail and haven’t had a chance to open the cover, but will now! 🙂 An article by you in that magazine was how I “met” you, so can hardly wait to continue that relationship.

    Also am looking forward to reading what is forming in your mind about Sedona, one of my favorite places. Part of my childhood was in Tuscon,AZ, and then my parents moved to Scottsdale. Visiting Sedona was a frequent happening.

  3. Donna Vesel Ryan

    I absolutely loved the article Debra. I also wrote on the goodhousekeeping facebook wall that it was a great article and that Im also now following your blog. Thank you for reminding me that despite differences we dont only “share a street” as you so wonderfully wrote. Look behind the differences as there are a lot of things we can learn from our neighbors. Congratulations on a great article.

  4. Debra

    Donna, Thank you so much for your comments and for letting the GH folks know how much you enjoyed it. 99 readers visited the blog today. I bet your post had a lot to do with that. Stay tuned.

    1. annie lehmann

      Was surprised and delighted when I opened my November issue of GH.
      Way to go Debra! Treat yourself to something special. It will remind you always of this wonderful success.
      See you soon!


  5. Elissa Schwartz


    Congratulations on yet another GH piece! How exciting to find your work in such a great magazine! I am looking forward to picking it up in the store and reading it. I always enjoy reading your observations and takes on various aspects of life.


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