Utah, Utah, I Miss U, Utah

Impossible to encapsulate in a short blog our two-week trip to Utah’s national parks. I am working on a travelog but until then (and because I don’t want to let go of those 14 magnificent days) here’s my top-ten list of sites seen, hikes hiked and more.

1*. The magnificence of the mountains: banded with reds, ochres, oranges, yellows, pinks, greens and purples.

1. Feeling grateful and capable in my body whether scrambling up a trail, reaching a mountain peak, crouching to squeeze through slot canyons.

1. Hiking with Martin, husband, hiking buddy par excellence, and superlative trip planner.

1. The sky: enormous, open, and blue blue blue. How to box to enjoy come February?

1. Seeing the Colorado River turn molten copper at sunset; before our eyes, water turned to lava.

1. Stars over Bryce Canyon and witnessing the Milky Way.

1. Swinging in the swing at The Lodge at Red River Ranch. And climbing one of the cotton trees lining the drive.

1. Having dinner at Cafe Diablo in Torrey. Unbelievble meal, beautiful garden, fab staff.

1. Sunset at Capitol Reef: slot canyons, mountains, river and one insane death-oblivious twenty-something photographer who walked out on a ledge to watch the close of day.

1. Wading in the Virgin River at Zion. The water was just cold enough to refresh my hike-weary feet.

*True ranking is beside the point. They are all Number 1!

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