111: Quiz yourself on Dr. Seuss’ Silliness — and Suspiciously Spiritual Themes

“More ministers use (Green Eggs and Ham) in their sermons than any other book of mine. They find the damnedest things in it.”
    (Dr. Seuss quoted in Robert Short’s “The Parables of Dr. Seuss”)

“We hope this book will raise at least two questions in readers’ minds: First, isn’t something very much like this really what Dr. Seuss was saying? And second, regardless of what Dr. Seuss was saying, isn’t this exactly what the New Testament is saying?”
    (Robert Short in his “Introduction” to his new Seuss book)

THIS is Part 1 of a 2-part series on Robert Short, Dr. Seuss and Short’s amazing creation of the “Gospel According to …” genre. Here’s Part 2, an in-depth interview with Short.
    You may be among the millions who already know Robert L. Short’s fame as a scriptural interpreter. At least in my home growing up in the 1960s, there always was a copy of Bob’s “The Gospel According to Peanuts” on the living room bookshelves along with paperback collections of Charles Schulz’s cartoons — and copies of all the Dr. Seuss books that had been published by that time!

    In my mind, they all mingle among the formative forces in my own spiritual development. To me, it’s only natural to think of Short, now in his mid-70s, finally publishing a scriptural analysis of Dr. Seuss’ works.
    But, does this still sound a little crazy to you?
    Well, before you dismiss this idea out of hand — stop and think for a moment. Take today’s quiz, think back over the Seuss books you love — and read Bob’s words in our interview.


    We’ve chosen 10 of the 11 Seuss books that Bob covers in his book — and we’ve created this mix-and-match quiz. Most of us have chunks of Seuss text forever committed to memory.
    Let’s see how much you can recall.
    Just match the lines to the book titles. Then, click on the link at the
end and the correct answers will pop up. If you’re a daily subscriber by
Email (you can sign up for free on the right-hand side of our site),
we’re sorry that you don’t get this Click-to-See-the-Answers feature in
your Email versions — so, please don’t read too far ahead today, if
you’re an email reader.


1.) “Horton Hatches the Egg” (published 1940).

2.) “Bartholomew and the Oobleck” (1949).

3.) “Horton Hears a Who!” (1954).

4.) “The Cat in the Hat” (1957).

5.) “Green Eggs and Ham” (1960).

6.) “I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew” (1965).

7.) “The Lorax” (1971).

8.) “Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!” (1972).

9.) “Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?” (1973).

10.) “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” (1990).


A.) “If you will let me be, I will try them.”

B.) “Your mountain is waiting. So — get on your way!”

C.) “I sat there with Sally. We sat there we two.”

D.) “Those Truffula trees! All my life I’d been searching For trees such as these.”

E.) “The time has come. The Time is now.”

F.) “Your troubles are practically all at an end. Just run down that hill and around the next bend.”

G.) “‘Toodle-oo!’ sang out Mayzie and fluttered away.”

H.) “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

I.) “Oh, snow and rain are not enough! Oh, we must make some brand-new stuff!”

J.) “Duckie! Don’t grumble! Don’t stew!”

    When you think you’ve got all the answers, CLICK on the link below in the online version of this
quiz, and the ANSWERS will pop up!

    Ready? CLICK for the ANSWERS below …


1.) G.

2.) I.

3.) H.

4.) C.

5.) A.

6.) F.

7.) D.

8.) E.

9.) J.

10.) B.

How’d you do?
    Remember — if
you enjoyed this week’s
quiz, you can print it or email the entire text it to a friend. We
only ask that you credit the quiz to “David Crumm” and
“readthespirit.com” (If you’re new to ReadTheSpirit, we often run
quizzes on Tuesdays and you can quickly find our past quizzes by
finding the “Categories” area on our Web site and clicking on the
“Tuesday Quiz” category!)

    Tell us what you think. Email me ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm, or leave a Comment for other readers on our site.

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