Making sense of a troubled world requires feet that are solidly grounded on our spiritual paths — but how well do we recall the wisdom that’s been handed down to us? Today’s quiz honors two new guidebooks designed help us step safely along our way.
Both are sturdy little books in the sense that they are, indeed, both solidly bound in compact editions that are perfect for tucking into a purse or work bag — and they’re also sturdy in the sense that both sets of authors and editors have chosen to call upon a community of sages to summon up our collective reflections.
Click on either book cover, today, to jump to reviews of these books (and you can even order copies via Amazon, if you wish).
NOW, today’s puzzle has slightly different rules than past quizzes.
Each item in our puzzle today features a set of sentences with 1 word missing. In each item, it’s the same word. Now, you may want to challenge yourself to fill in the blanks without knowing the full list of missing words — but we’ve also provided the list of missing words if you prefer to match the answers. As always, if you’re reading the online version of this story, you’ll be able to click toward the end of the puzzle — to see the answers pop up.
1.) Matthew Fox: When I’m operating at my best, my work is my ____.
And, Coleman Banks: ____ goes deep at night. Images dissolve. There’s only God, and silence, kindess and grace.
2.) Albert Einstein: True religion is real living; living with all one’s ____, with all one’s goodness and righteousness.
And, Psalms: For God alone my ____ waits in silence.
3.) Buckminster Fuller: ____ is a verb.
And, Brother David Steindl-Rast: “Yes” is my favorite synonym for ____.
4.) Emily Dickinson: Not knowing when the ____ will come, I open every door.
And, Jalaluddin Rumi: Maybe a ____ breeze has blown the veil away from the face of God.
5.) Kahlil Gibran: Work is ____ made visible.
And, Mother Teresa: The fruit of ____ is service, which is compassion in action.
6.) Thich Nhat Hanh: When I have a tootache, I discover that not having a toothache is a wonderful thing. That is ____.
And, D.H. Lawrence: And if tonight my soul may find her ____, and sink in good oblivion, and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower, then I have dipped again in God, and new-created.
7.) Robert Frost: I ____ upon the opposing lights of the hour, Preventing shadow until the moon prevail; I ____ upon the night-hawks peopling heaven, Each circling each with vague unearthly cry.
And, e.e. cummings: I thank you God for this most amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and for a blue true ____ of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.
8.) The Quran: Call on your Lord with ____ and in private.
And, Rabbi Harold Kushner: The first important element of a personal relationship with God is a sense of ____.
9.) Psalms: Those who do not ____ have no fear of God.
And, Mahatma Gandhi: We must be the ____ we wish to see in the world.
10.) The Rev. Michael Beckwith: Yes to life. Yes to love. Yes to God. Yes to ____.
And, St. Augustine: Too late have I loved you, oh ____ so ancient yet ever new! Too late have I loved you! And behold, you were within me and I out of myself, and there I searched for you.
HERE ARE THE 10 MISSING WORDS (in alphabetical order):
beauty, change, dawn, dream, humility, love, God, peace, prayer, soul
When you think you’ve got all the answers, CLICK on the link below in the online version of this
quiz, and the ANSWERS will pop up!
Ready? CLICK for the ANSWERS below …
1.) Prayer.
2.) Soul.
3.) God.
4.) Dawn.
5.) Love.
6.) Peace.
7.) Dream.
8.) Humility.
9.) Change.
10.) Beauty.
How’d you do?
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you enjoyed this week’s
quiz, you can print it or email the entire text it to a friend. We
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quizzes on Tuesdays and you can quickly find our past quizzes by
finding the “Categories” area on our Web site and clicking on the
“Tuesday Quiz” category!)
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AND: COME BACK TOMORROW for a Conversation With an ordinary couple who decided to make a documentary film about spiritual answers in a world that often seems to be full of conflict — and, now, more than 1 million people around the world have watched the results. That’s Wednesday right here!
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