276: Our Values, Our Faith, Our World — and the Future of God’s Creation

ll this week, we’re exploring spiritual values that shape our lives and our world.
    We’ve got a terrific Tuesday Quiz on what billions refer to simply as “Our Daily Bread” — the distribution of food around Planet Earth.
    On Wednesday, don’t miss our Conversation With the creators of the first-ever “Green Bible.”
    On Thursday, mark your calendar to watch an unforgettable PBS documentary about the values soldiers wrestle with during war. We’ll have a preview-review of this film that’s sure to spark a lot of discussion.
    And, along the way, Tell Us What You Think, because we all like to hear from readers — and we like to share what you’re saying with other readers.

    So, it’s a big week here, full of memorable stories.

TODAY, we’re asking you to roll up your sleeves and start the week by doing something that will make a difference. We want you to Click Over to the OurValues.org project, developed by University of Michigan researcher Dr. Wayne Baker, and join that discussion.

    If you haven’t done so already, add your Email address to the box in the upper-left corner of that page, so you’ll be ready for the first of two, larger, online surveys coming from Dr. Baker very soon.


    Dr. Baker is developing a new set of research tools to evaluate changes in American values — and to accurately report on how those values are prompting the important choices we’re making. This autumn — in addition to his daily articles and Quick Polls — Dr. Baker has been preparing two, in-depth, online surveys. They’re just about ready to roll. He plans to run the first wave of those surveys during the week starting October 20.
    Many readers have asked us: How can he conduct a survey using a list of Emails that people have voluntarily submitted to a web site? Won’t this be a skewed group of respondents?
    The answer is: Yes, the group is skewed — toward Internet users, among other things. But Dr. Baker’s project isn’t a Gallup Poll or CNN Poll. Dr. Baker is using the entire experience with OurValues.org articles, your comments on those articles, plus whatever responses he receives to these two, in-depth online surveys as research data to help him develop this next generation of research tools on American values.
    In other words, by participating, you’re stepping into the laboratory with him and helping him to shape initial reactions to this whole process of talking to Americans directly about close-to-the-heart issues. That’s how you “make a difference” — you’re actually helping in the development phase of what will become an important approach to values research in the future.
    Ultimately, by developing this better set of tools, Dr. Baker hopes to provide more accurate information to decision makers across the U.S. about our values as Americans. And, right now, we all know that’s very important.

    CLICK OVER TO OURVALUES.ORG  and add your Email to the box in the upper left corner (that is, if you haven’t done so already). This Email list will be used only for communication from OurValues.org and Dr. Baker’s research project. If you sign up for the survey now, you’ll be included in the first major wave that starts, online, on October 20.
    READ ABOUT THE PROJECT: If you haven’t read about Dr. Baker’s work and the development of this project, please visit this informative page.
    ADD A COMMENT: The two big survey waves are very important parts of this project — and so are the daily OurValues.org articles. We’d love to have more people click on the Comment links at OurValues.org and add even a few words in response.

PLEASE, Tell Us What You Think.

    Not only do we welcome your notes, ideas, suggestions and personal
reflections—but our readers enjoy them as well. You can Email ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm. We’re also reachable on Facebook, Digg, Amazon, GoodReads and some of
the other social-networking sites as well, if you’re part of those
   (Published in the ReadTheSpirit online magazine.)

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