367: Invite Old Friends — and Meet New Friends — in new “Our Lent” Adventure
Today, we invite you to visit a ReadTheSpirit landing page that’s about to “go live” in 9 days as more than 1 billion Christians around the world reach Ash Wednesday and begin the season of prayer and spiritual preparation called Lent. (Orthodox Christians begin on March 2 — so roughly 2 billion Christians soon will be observing this season.)
Whatever your faith, you’ll find it fascinating today to visit this Christian landing page — part of our ongoing series of interactive offerings for major seasons such as Passover and Ramadan.
Our main goal at ReadTheSpirit is “spiritual connection” — helping people find meaningful spiritual resources through media such as books, film and online projects. Just as important, we want to help people find each other so you feel at home in a community of readers.
Today, with just a week or two before Lent begins, you can visit:
1.) An overview of the “Our Lent” experience — so you can plan ahead for this adventure with us.
2.) A special invitation written by popular author Phyllis Tickle to four spiritual practices that men and women can appreciate, whatever their religious tradition may be: fasting, praying at regular hours, prayerfully reading scripture and becoming a part of a community.
3.) You can even visit our “What People Are Saying” page to see how other readers have experienced our Lenten offerings.
Want a friend to join you?
Invite them to visit http://www.OurLent.info/
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This also is a good time to sign up for our Monday-morning ReadTheSpirit Planner by Email—it’s
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goes out each week to readers who want more of an “inside track” on
what we’re seeing on the horizon, plus it’s got a popular “holidays”
(Originally published at https://readthespirit.com/)