Want to draw a crowd at your church? Announce that you’re going to dig into a meaty N.T. Wright book—then welcome people from all points of view to tackle “Tom” Wright’s analysis of our faith and contemporary life.
On Monday, we compared him to C.S. Lewis with that wise-uncle-from-England aura and his let-me-tell-you-a-story way of addressing life’s biggest questions.
We also shared the news that Wright has not 1—but 3 new publications you can enjoy: A study guidebook and a DVD set for his previous book, “Surprised by Hope”—plus a major new book on Christian character called, “After You Believe.” We even published a very brief sample of the new book on Monday.
TODAY, we’re giving you a chance to see and hear Tom for yourself, thanks to the folks at Zondervan who sent a video crew to England to produce 12 short films in which he talks about themes in “Surprised by Hope.” Small groups often enjoy a video clip to get the discussion rolling. On Monday, we gave you links to the 2 books.
Now, you also can Click Here to jump to Zondervan’s Web site and order a copy of the DVD set to be shown along with the six-week guidebook on “Surprised by Hope.”
This DVD actually contains more than 2 hours of video, if you watch it start-to-finish. Each week, there’s a clip of roughly 15 minutes (sometimes a little longer) in which Tom talks to your group. There are six sessions, thus six of these “teaching” clips. Then, six more shorter videos are called “bonus clips” that you can watch toward the end of class. Many church-based small groups already are familiar with this bookend video format for classes.
To give you a feel for this DVD material, Zondervan provides 2 clips via YouTube to show off Tom’s style of teaching.
FIRST, there’s a 2-minute “Preview” of the new group-study materials for “Surprised by Hope.”
SECOND, there’s a 3-minute “Sneak Peek” from one section in the DVD set.
YOU SHOULD SEE 2 video screens on this page, below. If you don’t see the screens, you may be reading this article via Email or some other remote feed. In that case, click on the headline of today’s article, which will send you to our ReadTheSpirit Web site—and the video screens should appear, below.
Looking for more N.T. Wright books?
OTHER N.T. WRIGHT BOOKS are described in our Wright Small Group Resources page.
Originally published at readthespirit.com, an online magazine covering religion and cultural diversity.