724 Science vs. religion argument takes center stage, reviving Charles Darwin’s monumental life

How do we bring the great marble monument to life? Darwin is a huge influence in our lives, yet his own life often seems obscure—tough to access on a human level. Reader Julia Benson Connolly wrote to us from her Florida home, hoping to help revive the great man.

First, Julia recommends our web page called, “Science Vs. Religion Argument: Educational Resources,” which lists science and religion scholars, recommended books for all age ranges, websites and various helpful groups and projects. And, now, Julia’s on that page as well for her recommendation of “Trumpery,” a play about Darwin’s life and legacy.

Julia sent us her own review of the play “Trumpery”: My family and I just returned from a vacation in the area of Washington D.C. While the museums, monuments, et al, were inspiring, we were mostly taken with a play we saw about Charles Darwin, “Trumpery.” It’s a riveting study of Darwin as a man, a father, a husband, a scientist, a non-believer among believers. The superb acting gave the play an even greater impact, but the themes would likely come through well in just reading it.
Then, Julia sent us several links:

Washington Post review of the Charles Darwin play “Trumpery” The review is mixed, but praises the way a cosmic-scale theme springs from what starts as “a parlor debate.” Director Jim Petosa “sets those conversations against a vast eternal void, and for better and for worse that tactic pushes the actors beyond conversation and toward ecstatic heights,” the Post concludes.

Read some of the play “Trumpery” Julia found the script online. Google Books lets you “flip the pages” for free—but not all the pages, in this case. Nevertheless, you can get a good sample thanks to Google.

Read the book on which “Trumpery” is based Julia says it’s based on “The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution” by David Quammen.

Thanks, Julia, for such an intriguing addition to our “Science vs. Religion Argument” resource page!

ENJOY OUR ENTIRE GREAT SUMMER READING AND VIEWING SERIES: (Our series so far: “Crown of Aleppo,” “Science Vs. Religion,” “Belief,” “Apparition,” “Burma VJ,” “Facets World Cup,” “Mary Mae and the Gospel Truth” “The Lonely Polygamist,” “Rise and Shine,” “Saints,” “Beaches of Agnes,” “Mystically Wired,” “Creative Aging,” “Twelve by Twelve” and “Eyewitness 4.”)

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