Lincoln’s message in establishing Thanksgiving is a beacon of light in our divided times

Happy Thanksgiving to our readers!

This week, please remember Lincoln’s wisdom in giving us this holiday

BACK IN 2013, to mark the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of an American Thanksgiving, Lincoln scholar Duncan Newcomer produced the following 12-minute video, explaining the enduring wisdom of that historic decision.

NOW, in November 2024, our ReadTheSpirit staff has been reminded by many of our readers of the wisdom Duncan has been drawing from Lincoln for many years.

One reader added to an email string about Duncan’s public efforts to have us all remember Lincoln’s wisdom in 2024: “Just the right time for this; just the right message this year.”

So, the following short video—and an accompanying “Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Prayer” that Duncan assembled from famous Lincoln lines—have been inspiring our readers even before this week’s republication.

FIRST, here’s the video, which we are pleased to feature again in November 2024 on this 161st anniversary of Lincoln’s original Thanksgiving declaration:

Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Prayer

Edited and presented by Lincoln scholar Duncan Newcomer

So, we must think anew,
And act anew.
We must disenthrall ourselves.
We are not enemies,
But friends.
We must not be enemies.
We cannot separate.
There is no line, straight or crooked,
Upon which to divide.
We cannot escape history.
No personal significance, or insignificance,
Can spare one or another of us.

The mystic chords of memory
Will yet swell the chorus of union
To every living heart
And hearthstone,
And again touch
The better angels of our nature.



Care to Enjoy More Lincoln Right Now?

GET A COPY of Duncan’s 30 Days with Abraham Lincoln—Quiet Fire.

Each of the 30 stories in this book includes a link to listen to the original radio broadcasts. The book is available from Amazon in hardcover, paperback and Kindle versions. ALSO, you can order hardcover and paperback from Barnes & Noble.

