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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE from the Council on American-Islamic Relations:

Poll: 89 Percent of Muslim Voters Picked Obama

  Survey shows high American Muslim voter turnout

Download Post_2008_Election_American_Muslim_Poll.pdf

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/7/2008) – The American Muslim
Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) today released the
results of a poll indicating that almost 90 percent of American Muslim
voters picked Barack Obama in Tuesday’s election. That survey of more
than 600 American Muslim voters also indicated that just two percent of
respondents cast their ballots for Sen. John McCain.

Poll Findings:

  • Of those who voted, 89 percent cast their ballot for Barack Obama.
  • Just two percent of respondents said they voted for John McCain.
  • Most of the respondents (78 percent) reside in ten states: Illinois,
    New York, Virginia, Michigan, California, Texas, New Jersey, Maryland,
    Florida, and Pennsylvania.
  • Ninety-five percent of respondents said they voted in the presidential election, whether at the polls or by absentee ballot. This is the highest American Muslim voter turnout ever reported.
  • Of those who voted, almost 14 percent said they did so for the first time.
  • One-fourth of respondents said they volunteered for or donated money to a political campaign in this election.
  • American Muslim voters are increasingly identifying themselves with the
    Democratic Party. More than two-thirds said they consider themselves
    Democrats. Most of the rest, or 29 percent, still consider themselves
    independent. Only four percent said they are Republicans.
  • More than two-thirds (63 percent) of respondents said the economy was
    the most important issue that affected their voting decision. This was
    followed by 16 percent who said the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were
    the most important. (In January 2008, a sample of 1000 Muslim voters
    rated education and civil rights as the top issues.)

For complete poll results,

Download Post_2008_Election_American_Muslim_Poll.pdf

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