Our Free St. Nicholas Photos … a Christmas gift from us to you

OUR author Benjamin Pratt recently visited the area in southern Turkey where the “real” Santa Claus, also known as St. Nicholas of Myra, once lived. Read our story about the Feast of St. Nicholas. TODAY, Ben is giving us all a Christmas gift: Free photos from Myra that you can use in your website, newsletter or publication. Simply add this photo credit: Photos by Benjamin Pratt of https://readthespirit.com/bookstore/authors/benjamin-pratt/


Ancient Myra, Turkey, was where Bishop Nicholas changed the world with his compassion for the poor. Here is Wikipedia’s entry on the area now known as Demre. Joining pilgrims from around the world, Ben was struck by the many artistic images of St. Nicholas. Here are photo captions:
inside the St. Nicholas Church in Demre, Turkey, where the real St. Nicholas once lived. Plus, a detail from the frescoes showing St. Nicholas.
1981 bronze statue with two children at the St. Nicholas Church center in Demre. Plus, a more recent inscription on the base.
2000 Russian St. Nicholas in Courtyard at the St. Nicholas Church center in Demre.
2008 Turkish statue of St. Nicholas with a child on his shoulder in Demre.
American culture is obvious in a Coca Cola-style Santa at a Demre market.

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