Indian video

ReadTheSpirit changes with each new season. Right now, we’re taking you outdoors with “Dancing My Dream,” the new Native American memoir by Warren Petoskey.
    TODAY, we’re introducing short videos of Warren—and some of his music, as well. His dramatic story really comes to life as you’re able to meet this storyteller complete with video and sound. We’re offering it as today’s Monday-morning “treat” for readers.
    VISIT — and, once you’re there, click on the prominent links for Warren’s music and videos.


THEN, this is an unusual summer movie season! Viewership is up this summer, especially since millions of us have limited funds to travel anywhere. That’s true for some hit TV shows as well.
    We’ve already taken you to the movies with coverage of “Star Trek.”
    And, we’re also celebrating the release of the latest season of the BBC’s popular “Doctor Who.” Thanks to Abigail Sines who wrote this guest tribute to Doctor Who’s spiritual side—and to comic creator Kurt Kolka, who chimed in with a “second” to Abigail’s speculation that Doctor Who is becoming much more spiritually reflective as the years go by.
    Kurt has been a fan of the series “since Peter Davison was the Doctor in the ’80s.” (That’s Peter at right. David Tennant is shown with Abigal’s story.)
    Kurt wrote: “The new stories delve much more into the spiritual than the old. One episode with the new Doctor is called ‘The Satan Pit.’ In it there is—yes, a being down in the center of a planet who looks like we often picture Satan. A very frightening figure he is to see, too!
    “The Doctor’s companion Rose (played by Billie Piper) asks the Doctor (Tennant) if that being could be Satan. The Doctor gives a terse, ‘No.’ But the look on his face tells viewers that he is not so sure of himself, this time. And we are left with the feeling that ‘No’ simply means it doesn’t fit in with his philosophy of life and the universe.
    “This satanic creature, who appears bound at the center of this planet, reminds us of a passage in Revelation 20, where Satan is bound for a thousand years.
    “I loved the original series (1963-89) but find the new (2005-present) very satisfying.
    “The producers did a fundraising TV skit where the original series met the new in 2007. People can watch this short episode on YouTube.


ANOTHER PREVIEW … Millions of us channel surf in the summer rerun season and next week, Wednesday June 24, our weekly Conversation will feature Diane Winston, editor and contributor to a big new book from Baylor University Press, “Small Screen Big Picture: Television and Lived Religion.”
    Diane and her co-authors explore all kinds of religious themes in hit series, including “Lost,” “The Sopranos,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Prison Break,” “The Wire” and others.
    There’s an Amazon link to get an early copy of Diane’s book, if these themes intrigue you. Then, come back next week for an in-depth conversation with Diane about how such apparently provocative TV shows also include enlightening spiritual themes.


WHILE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT PREVIEWS … Stephanie Fenton’s terrific “Spiritual Season” column this week is loaded with fascinating links and information about current anniversaries and holidays. This week, that includes cool stuff about Amelia Earhart and Juneteenth (celebrating the end of slavery). But, best of all, Stephanie’s found a couple great links for Father’s Day. Psst! There are 64 million fathers in the U.S.! Better start planning for all those Pops early, right? Don’t miss Stephanie’s column—it’s 1 click away.


A SAD AND REMARKABLE thing unfolded over the past week at —the Web site developed by sociologist Dr. Wayne Baker to talk with Americans about close-to-the-heart issues in our lives. The site has attracted regular commenters—and one elderly contributor recently died in Chicago. It’s our first death in the community of voices regularly featured in this online magazine.
    This week, is exploring the specific grief that Dr. Baker and the readers at are experiencing. Then, he also plans to write about the grief that millions of us are experiencing in these turbulent times, including conflict in the Middle East and job losses here at home.
    IN ADDITION: We’ve scheduled a special Conversation With Peter Wallace on Wednesday. Peter lives in Atlanta and is the man behind the Day1 radio network that showcases top preachers via radio stations nationwide. He’s also a beloved writer of inspirational books. His newest book is “Connected: You and God in the Psalms.” Why is this relevant? Because the Psalms are some of the world’s oldest spiritual responses to grief.


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You also can Email ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm. We’re also reachable on Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube and other social-networking sites as well.
    (Originally published at

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