Inspiring Stories of Courageous Compassion: Pick up the Portable New eBook of ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’

“In these pages, you will meet heroes.”
From the first page of Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Click the cover to visit the book’s Amazon page.

Editor of ReadTheSpirit magazine

In this era when far too many international leaders are bullies, we need to celebrate real heroes who dare to champion compassion over conflict.

That’s why our publishing house is releasing the Rev. Daniel L. Buttry’s inspiring collection of these heroic stories, Blessed Are the Peacemakers, in an inexpensive and easy-to-carry eBook edition.

Now, you can have all of the real-life stories in this book ready to read wherever you go—on your Kindle, Nook, Kobo or the free eBook app on your smartphone or tablet. Reading these uplifting stories is the perfect way to lift your spirits whenever you find a few minutes free in your day.

Will you find yourself waiting for an appointment this week? Then, just pull out your smartphone, tablet or e-reader—and soon your spirits will be lifted by reading one of these accounts of peacemakers who risked everything to make the world a better place.

Are you among the millions of Americans who include a little inspirational reading with breakfast, each morning? This eBook has enough individual readings to provide months of day-by-day inspiration.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers—
Easy Links to Find Your eBook

It’s easy to find the eBook you prefer: For Amazon devices (including the free Amazon smartphone app), you’ll want Kindle. Millions of Americans own a Barnes & Noble Nook. Apple fans can find Blessed Are the Peacemakers now in iTunes and iBooks. This new eBook version also is available on Google Play. Own a Kobo? We’ve got a version for you, too!

Who Are These Peacemaking Heroes?

In the pages of Blessed are the Peacemakers, you will meet more than 100 heroes, but most of them are not the kind of heroes our culture celebrates for muscle, beauty and wealth. These are peacemakers—and the world needs to hear their stories now more than ever.

In the opening pages of his book, Dan describes the yearning for hope felt by so many of us today: “How can we dare to hope? How can we keep pushing against the tide of violence? When one war is finally brought to a weary end, another breaks out with horrifying ferocity. There is no end to the work of peacemaking.”

Dan’s “book readings” turn into spirited storytelling sessions in which Dan likes to share especially from the lives of heroic men and women he has known and worked with on peacemaking projects. Dan believes that sharing these stories, person by person, really can make a difference in our world.

Buttry is an ideal guide, because he has worked with many of the peace movements he describes in this book. On the day this new book was published, Buttry was planting trees in Kenya as various sides in a deadly political conflict came together in a powerful demonstration of healing in that African nation. After planting the trees, Buttry distributed copies of this book to the Kenyan activists—because sharing these stories is so important in the cause of peace.

Here are just a few of the names you’ll find in sections labeled:

  • PROPHETS and VISIONARIES: Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Jr., Helen Caldicott, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu.
  • LITANY OF MARTYRS: Anne Frank, Victor Jara, Stephen Biko, Jerzy Popieluszko.
  • NONVIOLENT ACTIVISTS: Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Diane Nash, John Lewis, Bolivian Women Hunger Strikers, Daniel Berrigan and Philip Berrigan, Lech Walesa.
  • ARTISTS: Pete Seeger, Arnold Ap, Vaclav Havel, Vedran Smajlovic, Zargana, Banksy, Bono.

That’s just a sampling of the individual chapters. Plus, there are complete sections on Peace Theorists, Advocates, Trainers and Teachers, Organizers and Mediators.

If you don’t recognize a lot of these names—then you have discovered the main purpose of this book. When you’re finished reading, you’ll be able to help lift up these unsung heroes and spread awareness of what is possible when courage connects with compassion.

Already Own a Book by Daniel Buttry?
Here’s Where This Book Fits in His Library

If you are reading this far, today, you may already own some of Daniel Buttry’s earlier books. He also collected stories of international peacemaking in books called Interfaith Heroes Volume 1 and Volume 2. Those books focus specifically on men and women who dared to cross religious boundaries to save lives, make peace and build stronger communities.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers is intended to cover an even broader horizon than the stories included in those earlier two volumes. Peacemakers complements them by continuing in a similar style. However, none of the stories are repeated. So, if you enjoy Buttry’s approach to storytelling, then you might want to collect all three of these books, which are available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well.

Here’s a link to Dan’s Amazon Author Page to learn more about his other books.

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