New books for you & your group this winter

For your Winter 2012-2013 reading and small-group planning, ReadTheSpirit is opening the first phase of our online Bookstore. Soon, we will add even more recommended books and small-group resources. Today, please look around. Start by clicking on the Authors link, at left, to meet the talented men and women who are writing with you and your group in mind. Add your own question or idea, below, in the Comments section.

Remember These Milestones

On October 21, the Pope is scheduled to canonize the first Native American saint, Kateri Tekakwitha, before a worldwide audience, ensuring that a discussion group on Dancing My Dream will draw a crowd. In November, debuts of Twilight and James Bond movies will make Glitter in the Sun and our James Bond Bible study popular choices. Efforts to reduce bullying are making headlines—so The New Bullying shares the latest ideas and you’ll learn how to make friends in our diverse world in Friendship and Faith. Many of the heroic men and women in Blessed Are the Peacemakers wind up on network news.

Consider the Caregivers in Your Community

All winter long, a non-profit advertising campaign is highlighting the challenges faced by America’s 65 million caregivers. Exploring caregivers’ needs in your community is guaranteed to draw new friends to your congregation or small group, so consider Guide for Caregivers, GodSigns, Guide for Grief. Not only will our books inspire you—they’ll draw a crowd. If this topic interests you, we’ve also opened an entire web portal called

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