THIS IS A PHOTO OF ROB BELL. The streaming video is below.Yes, you’ve found it!
HERE IS THE LATEST ROB BELL VIDEO—the nearly two-hour talk from the famous Viper Room on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood. This is Rob’s first public video, streamed in summer 2012, after a half-year absence from the spotlight as he worked with HarperOne to complete his upcoming March 2013 book, What We Talk About When We Talk About God.
Read our August 2012 interview with Rob about the big changes in his life. He has left his position as senior pastor at the Mars Hill megachurch in Michigan. He has left his original publisher, Zondervan, and has jumped to HarperOne. (Both publishers are owned by Rupert Murdoch’s giant News Corporation.)
Rob’s latest book, Love Wins, has just been released in paperback—along with a rainbow-array of matching paperback editions of all five of Rob’s books. You can see the spines of the books in the photo above. And, we’ve got links to Amazon, below, if you care to order the new set.
In this talk, Rob describes his life, his ministry and his hopes for the future. He tells a series of stories—some hilarious and some deeply moving. Then, toward the end, he fields questions from the crowd at the Viper Room (and a few online questions, too). The entire video runs close to two hours—so pour a cup of your favorite beverage, settle back, crank up the online volume and enjoy this video.
WORD OF WARNING: Rob’s producers have set up this video to loop continuously as it streams. That means you will join the video in progress—somehwere in the middle of this long talk from the Viper Room—and it will loop through the end and the begining. On and on. But, hey: That’s OK, isn’t it? Most of Rob’s stories in this video are self contained so you can enjoy them in almost any order.
NOTE: If you don’t see a video screen to click in your version of this story, please click here and your web browser will reload our ReadTheSpirit story. The video screen should appear. Enjoy!
They’re cool. You can see how the spines line up like a rainbow, above. They’re perfect for a back-to-school gift, for a Christmas gift … or just to enjoy them yourself. Here’s where to get them via Amazon:
Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith
Jesus Wants to Save Christians: Learning to Read a Dangerous Book
Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and Spirituality
Drops Like Stars: A Few Thoughts on Creativity and Suffering
Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived
Originally published at, an online magazine covering religion and cultural diversity.