Waiting for your copy of ‘Healing the World’? Meanwhile, you can see and share the movies.

Two Short Movies to Share with Friends about Dr. Gustavo Parajón

EARLIER, we published the announcement of an upcoming biography of public health pioneer and peacemaker Dr. Gustavo Parajón, complete with glowing endorsements from former President Jimmy Carter and Sojourners founder Jim Wallis.

NOWwe have two short movies about the book—and about Parajón’s dramatic life. They’re both easy to share with friends if you are thinking about organizing a small-group discussion about the upcoming book.

Here they are … 


Introducing ‘Healing the World’

This 2-minute video is easy to find and share via YouTube as part of our Front Edge Publishing channel.


Scenes from the life ofDr. Gustavo Parajón

This 5-minute video also is easy to find and share via YouTube as part of our Front Edge Publishing channel.



Care to learn more?

Now is a great time to pre-order your copy of Healing the World from Amazon.

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