Want a free copy of McLaren’s new ‘Naked Spirituality’?
We’ve got a rare opportunity to give some readers free copies of Brian McLaren’s “Naked Spirituality.” But we want to get those books to the right readers. Here’s how you can show that we’re matching these free copies with the right readers:
Please, write and email [email protected] with about 250 words answering this question: What’s the biggest spiritual challenge in your daily life?
We’re not going to limit the question further. You might write about stress on the job, or family pressures, or doubts, traditional spiritual practices that now seem tired or anger over something that happened, or—well, a host of answers are appropriate. That question, again, is: What’s the biggest spiritual challenge in your daily life?
We do intend to publish some of our readers’ responses, once we’ve collected them all. Please, send responses to us no later than Monday June 6. We will contact those readers who will receive the free books that week. We will do our best to match up the free books with readers whose responses suggest they will most enjoy Brian’s book.
Here’s how Brian describes this in his Introduction: “If we happened to meet—on a plane or train, at a party, or wherever—and if you expressed to me any of these kinds of struggles or needs, this is the book I would have wanted to be able to give you before we said good-bye. I wrote it because it’s the kind of book I wish someone had given to me at several points during my own spiritual journey, when I was first getting started or when I hit some rough patches of doubt or struggle.”
REMEMBER: We hope to hear from you at [email protected]—no later than June 6.