A Passover Prayer: The Passover table can be a sign of hope in a troubled world


‘The most widely celebrated Jewish holiday’

In this week’s Cover Story, Rabbi Lenore Bohm writes: “Passover is the most widely celebrated holiday in Jewish homes around the world. Why does it remain such a powerful call to us each year?” As Jewish families prepare for Passover, we ask you to read Rabbi Bohm’s column and then share it with friends via social media and email.

When is Passover? The date moves each year with lunar cycles. This year, it begins after sunset on Friday, April 15.

Learn more with Rabbi Lenore: This week, the Religion News Service carries a story, headlined, ‘Torah Tutor’ arrives in time for Passover and spring Bible studies



More Holidays & Festivals

Ramadan around the world

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS COLUMNIST Stephanie Fenton covers Ramadan.

FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING Editor David Crumm writes about three ideal books to learn more about our Muslim neighbors.

National Public Radio also has posted a gallery of remarkable photographs from around the world, taken as Muslim families began the Ramadan fast this past weekend.

A note on our photograph, above: This image of a traditional Ramadan lantern is available for public use via Wikimedia Commons.



Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter

2 billion Christians celebrate

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS columnist Stephanie Fenton reports …

Palm Sunday: Christians begin Holy Week with processions and palms

AND—Easter Triduum: Christians observe Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday

THEN: We also explain this moveable date of Easter.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address: InterfaithHolidays.com



From our writers—

The Pope’s apology to Native Peoples

THIS YEAR, our writers have been following the emerging news about Native Peoples and the horrific history of “boarding schools,” many of which once were run by religious groups. Revelations are moving across Canada and more news will be coming from the United States, where investigations by government agencies and religious groups are unfolding. This week, Pope Francis hosted Native leaders from Canada at the Vatican and delivered an apology.



Najah Bazzy

Honored as a ‘Thought Leader Influencing the World’

OUR AUTHOR NAJAH BAZZY was honored by the Global Woman Magazine staff among “Top 6 Muslim Female Thought Leaders Influencing the World.” The magazine profile describes her this way: “An internationally recognized healer, humanitarian and interfaith leader, Najah Bazzy is the founder of Zaman International, a nonprofit organization advancing the lives of marginalized women and children by enabling them to meet essential needs and break the cycle of poverty.” During the month of Ramadan, Najah also helps to explain the worldwide Muslim tradition of fasting through her book, The Beauty of Ramadan.



Rodney Curtis

AUTHOR and PHOTOGRAPHER RODNEY CURTIS reflects this week about the dilemmas most of us confront after two years of this pandemic: “Making things make sense can feel like a puzzle with only middle pieces and no edges.



David Gushee

‘The Moral Dimension of the Ministerial Vocation’

DR. DAVID GUSHEE, one of the world’s leading Christian ethicists, has started a series of columns at his website that are excerpts from his new book, Introducing Christian Ethics.

He has headlined this week’s column ‘The Moral Dimension of the Ministerial Vocation,’ which is a challenge to religious leaders to make a deeper commitment to their responsibilities in our world today. Clicking on the headline will take you to Dr. Gushee’s online home, where you also can sign up, if you wish, for free updates directly from Dr. Gushee.




Click on this photo to read Ed McNulty’s column about the Ukrainian TV series, ‘Servant of the People.’

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns:











