- COVER STORY Best-selling Bible scholar Bart Ehrman is back with a book that we highly recommend, despite the complaints from Bart’s ongoing circle of critics. Read our in-depth interview with Bart.
- OUR VALUES What issues most deeply divide Americans? “Moral authority” is just one of the major disagreements explored in Dr. Wayne Baker’s series this week.
- PART 1: Do you trust in God or yourself?
- PART 2: Group marriage?
- PART 3; Still a “City upon a Hill”?
- PART 4: Is Edward Snowden hero or traitor?
- PART 5: Is “liberty” really what you want?
- MORE VIEWPOINTS Readers keep visiting our online magazine to read our recent interviews with Adam Hamilton, on Making Sense of the Bible, and Barbara Brown Taylor, on Learning to Walk in the Dark.
- MEMORIAL DAY: Learn all about the patriotic anniversaries our nation is observing this year in Stephanie Fenton’s column about Memorial Day 2014.
- DECLARATION OF THE BAB Learn about this fascinating Baha’i holiday from columnist Stephanie Fenton.
- ALL HOLIDAYS Keep an eye on our master list of upcoming holidays.
- INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS Our series on peacemaking turns to the world of children’s literature—for three profiles that spring from the pages of brand-new picture books!
- ALL PEACEMAKERS Keep an eye on the Interfaith Peacemakers “front page” for access to all of our inspiring profiles.
- LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS Do you know the revolutionary impact of those beloved picture books that flooded American homes?
- JOHN MUIR Candlewick Press brings young readers a delightful new biography of the man who gave us our National Parks.
- PATRICK GILMORE Ever hear of band leader Patrick Gilmore? He was an amazing hero—in war … and in peacemaking.
- GODSIGNS Hunting without killing? It sounded like a great idea, although critics strongly disagreed. Suzy Farbman tells the story behind the best-selling new book, The Hunt.
- HOURS OF DEVOTION Debra Darvick shares a prayer from Dinah Berland’s moving collection of 19th-century women’s prayers, called Hours of Devotion.
- MOVIE FEATURE OF THE WEEK Faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty urges people to go see the documentary Fed Up. (4.5 out of 5 stars)
- NEIGHBORS Ed McNulty says: Skip it! (only 1 star).
- MILLION DOLLAR ARM This baseball-in-India movie is well worth watching, Ed says. (3 stars)
- JANE WELLS Saving the Smart Girls.
- WE ARE CAREGIVERS Hey, we can sleep when we’re dead! (But why wait?)
- RODNEY CURTIS The “Spiritual Wanderer” brings us striking photos—and striking prose on poor old Mother Earth’s woes.
- FAITH GOES POP Got 5 minutes and 28 seconds? Watch the video adventures of Johnny Express—and think about how easy it is to trash an entire planet. Ouch!
- FEED THE SPIRIT Want a yummy serving of hope? Feed The Spirit writer Bobbie Lewis tells us about student gardeners in the heart of Detroit.