Cover Stories: Seeing the Sacred Outside Your Kitchen Door


MEET A NEW FRIENDChicago Tribune readers have loved columns by Barbara Mahany. Now, she’s sharing her talents as a writer and spiritual guide with all of us through Slowing Time: Seeing the Sacred Outside Your Kitchen Door. Our interview with Barbara explores many challenges she faced in preparing this unusual, almanac-like book.


LOOKING TO AFRICA—Millions of Americans are marking Black History Month, so Daniel Buttry’s Interfaith Peacemakers looks to Africa for three heroes.

AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN HERO—Did you know that Jerry Craft is one of the few successful African-American cartoonists and he also illustrates children’s books? He began with Marvel and Harvey comics, then was a top editor at Sports Illustrated for Kids.  He’s now a full-time cartoonist with King Features. Craft travels widely and encourages kids to pursue their professional dreams.


OUR VALUES—Each week, University of Michigan sociologist Dr. Wayne Baker, author of United America, brings readers a fascinating look at the values that shape American life. This week, he turns to research by Gallup into our biggest generation: the Baby Boomers. Right now, the first Boomers are 69, preparing for their 70th birthdays.


DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD—Our writers’ share this goal through the news they publish (and their public appearances, as well). Here are some news items that may encourage you to join in …

WE ARE CAREGIVERS—Last week, we revived this popular department with a column by Wayne Baker on Sparks of Kindness. This week …

DEBRA DARVICK—Author of This Jewish Life, Debra is a master of many genres. Once a month, she gives us all a multi-media boost with His Lens/My Pen. In Michigan’s Jewish News, she’s also advice columnist Dear Debra.

DAVID GUSHEE—The author of Changing Our Mind continues to travel across the U.S. preaching Christian-LGBT inclusion.

#WhatsTheFuss—Our publishing house is based in Michigan where we work with the InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit (the IFLC).

SUZY FARBMAN—Like Barbara Mahany, Suzy is a veteran journalist with an eye and ear for stories that often rank as the most popular columns in our online magazine. Last week’s GodSigns column about an unusual organ donor drew a big wave of readers. This week, Suzy writes about a woman who recalls her late Mom—with a flourish of music.


VISUAL PARABLES—Faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty covers a wide range of movies.

RODNEY CURTIS—He’s our expert at leaping cultural chasms with a single humorous bound as he has proven in books like Spiritual Wanderer and A ‘Cute’ Leukemia. This week, he spans old-school and cutting-edge America in …

FAITH GOES POP—There’s no one with a sharper eye for the intersection of Faith and Popular Culture than Ken Chitwood—who Tweeted his way through the Super Bowl. If you missed it, Ken has a recap posted this week. Keep an eye on this writer! You’ll be buzzing about the stuff he keeps finding (use #FaithGoesPop when you share Ken’s columns).

