Cover Story: A new voice connects faith of Africa … with basketball


COVER STORY—This week, we introduce our readers to a scholar, teacher and author who is becoming an important global voice in connecting Americans with religious traditions from Africa. Onaje X. O. Woodbine’s debut book, Black Gods of the Asphalt, tells the fascinating story of how Woodbine identified and then studied deep religious connections, including some with Yoruba origins, in the culture of urban basketball. This book will open your eyes to a whole new perspective on urban culture—plus, it’s simply a great read! Please, enjoy our interview with Woodbine, today.




SHINING LIGHT AWARDAnd, speaking of inspiration from urban neighborhoods … this week, our whole team is celebrating with Faith Fowler, head of Cass Community Publishing in Detroit. Here is the Detroit Free Press announcement that Faith is being honored across Michigan with a Shining Light award. Then, on Sunday, Faith was on the Free Press front page. Here is staff writer Niraj Warikoo’s profile of Faith Fowler as she receives this prestigious award. Finally, for more background on Faith’s publishing efforts, you may want to read our 2014 story about a stunning book launch by Faith’s organization in Detroit.






UNCLE MILT’S—FeedTheSpirit columnist Bobbie Lewis returns with a story about the popularity of—kosher barbecue. At least that’s the buzz in Chicago, where Milt’s Barbecue for the Perplexed is a popular destination. This week, Bobbie shares the story behind this curious bistro—plus a delicious recipe for short ribs!





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KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI—Stephanie Fenton reports on the colorful celebrations that spread across India and around the world in Hindu communities to mark the birth of the deity Krishna.





FROM THE VATICAN—On September 2, a new St. Teresa postage stamp will be issued by the Vatican to celebrate her September 4 canonization: the official declaration of sainthood by the Catholic church. You may also want to read the Vatican’s biography of St. Teresa, which includes many inspiring details about her life and legacy.

FROM ST. TERESA—New World Library, the publisher of a special edition of her book No Greater Love, has given us permission to excerpt the chapter called “On Love.” We also have permission to share this chapter from St. Teresa’s book, which includes some very challenging teachings about the nature of work and our personal vocations.






GOD SIGNS—Columnist Suzy Farbman has a heart-warming profile of an Olympian in figure skating: Aaron Parchem. Suzy runs into Aaron, 10 years after he competed in the Turin Winter Olympics. She shares a fresh story of inspiration as Aaron reflects on the lessons of his life.






ED McNULTY—Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website: VisualParables.orgAmong Ed’s latest free movie reviews are:




