Cover story: Bart Ehrman asks—How well do we remember Jesus?

Bart Ehrman interview on ‘Jesus Before the Gospels’

COVER STORY—He’s provocative; he’s very popular and Bible scholar Bart Ehrman is back, just in time for Easter, with a book that reads like a detective story. In this new book, Ehrman sifts through evidence from the ancient world—as well as centuries of research into the nature of human memory. At issue: How did early Christians remember and shape the stories about Jesus that only decades later became a part of the gospels? In the book, Ehrman lays out cases about a number of famous details in the Bible. For example, did Peter really draw a big sword when Jesus was arrested and then cut off someone’s ear with his wapon? ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm has interviewed Ehrman many times over the years—and, now, we invite you to enjoy this latest conversation with one of the world’s leading Bible detectives.




MAKING SENSE OF NEW MEDIA—At the request of many of our readers, we are publishing occasional tips and news-analysis about trends in media. If you’re just catching up with this series, here are three earlier columns …

NEW THIS WEEK—Publishing an e-book is easy, right? We look at the rise and decline and the myth that ebooks eventually will replace ink on paper. And, we’ve got news headlines about some of the latest changes in the ebook world.





DON’T MISS A HOLIDAY! Just remember this simple Web address to find all of the upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries.


EAST MEETS WEST—The majority of the world’s 2 billion  Christians follow the Western liturgical calendar; they already have started the Lenten season that leads toward Easter. Stephanie Fenton had that story in our Holidays column. Then, on Monday March 14, the calendar followed by most Eastern Orthodox Christians also will reach what is known as Great Lent. And, Stephanie’s story does have a recipe for traditional lagana bread. During this traditional season of reflection, we also recommend Our Lent: Things We Carry, an inspirational book by ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm.




REMEMBERING THE SAINT—Stephanie Fenton’s column focuses on the fun of the festival—including some very helpful links to St. Patrick’s Day recipes. But she also writes about the saint, and she includes a link to one of our all-time most-popular columns, featuring three different versions of the famous prayer known as St. Patrick’s Breastplate. As always, you’re free to share these texts with friends. Enjoy!






SERVE ‘EM MUFFINS! We write a lot about food at ReadTheSpirit, because food taps deep into the most ancient religious traditions—as well as the spiritual and ethnic identities of our families. This week, Bobbie Lewis shares a great story about working with colleagues at Detroit’s Sinai Hospital. And she’s got a recipe for Sinai’s famous muffins that you’re going to want to try for yourself and maybe for friends during the upcoming holidays.





FROM STAGE—TO STAGE—GodSigns author Suzy Farbman’s columns celebrate the remarkable twists and turns of life. This week, she tells the story of Kevin Steele, an elementary school teacher who wound up on Broadway (and on lots of other major stages around the world). Over the years, he realized that our performances make a difference, each and every day, on whatever stage we appear.




TALKING ABOUT MOVIES? Get a copy of faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty’s new book Jesus Christ, Movie Starit’s full of thought-provoking reading and questions! Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed’s website:
ANDPlease consider subscribing to the one resource Ed sells—his long-running Visual Parables Journal, which is packed with complete study guides for individual reflection and small-group discussion. The new March issue has just been published.


