Cover Story: Capt. Dan Willis and ‘Bulletproof Spirit’ offers lifelines to first responders as suicide rates rise


THE DNA OF COMPASSION—We know the value of Capt. Dan Willis’ book, Bulletproof Spirit: The First Responders’ Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart. That’s because his book’s first edition already has helped communities and individuals from coast to coast—and Willis continues to crisscross the nation with talks and educational programs. This second edition expands on several important themes, including spiritual resources as well as new research on brain injuries.

The most refreshing message in Willis’ book—a message that mirrors other experts in this field—is that compassion is not the danger for first responders. In fact, as Willis puts it: Compassion is the very DNA of public service. Problems arise when trauma accumulates on a day-to-day basis and men and women lose their balance. These are complex problems addressed with clearly explained, pragmatic advice by a long-time veteran of public service. This is a valuable book for professionals, so please take a moment to read this timely cover story—and to share it with friends.



Holidays & Festivals:
Yom Kippur, 5780
Starts Tuesday Evening

What holiday is this?

IT’S YOM KIPPUR IN ISRAEL, of course. Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton has the story about the holiest day in the Jewish year, which generally is a solemn occasion for Jewish families around the world. In Israel, however, many families have begun taking the opportunity of empty roadways to establish an annual kid-friendly festival of bikes. Our story also has a personal reflection from columnist Suzy Farbman.

SUKKOT IS COMING—Just after the Jewish high holidays each year comes the festival of booths, Sukkot. By mid-October, then, communities will see leafy shelters popping up in the back yards of some Jewish families.


National Coming Out Day

A GOOD DEED YOU CAN DO—This year for the October 11 National Coming Out Day, do a good deed to promote diversity in your family and community. Order one of our six books about gender inclusion.


Care to see all the holidays? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances—just remember the address




IN LESS THAN A MINUTE! Our long-time readers know that “renewal” is one of our central themes at ReadTheSpirit magazine. Author and photographer Rodney Curtis took that concept quite literally to heart in this remarkable less-than-a-minute video.




FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING Production Manager Dmitri Barvinok explains the process of selecting and preparing photographs and other images for book publishing.



Click this movie image to read Ed McNulty’s rave review about a new documentary tracing Fiddler from its Yiddish origins to mainstream stage and screen.


Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:






