COVER STORY: Cynthia Vacca Davis’s ‘Intersexion’ explores the traumas and the hopes of Christian community

The Quest for Authenticity in Christian Community

THIS BOOK IS ABOUT MORE THAN GENDER—For most readers, the compelling reason to read this new book by Cynthia Vacca Davis is to learn what it feels like when people find themselves exiled from the iron gates of rigid religious communities. There are millions of these refugees all across America. If you are not one of those refugees yourself, Cynthia’s book explains to the rest of us—including active members in the many churches that welcome minorities—that some of our Christian neighbors may be carrying profound wounds as they try to find new homes. Even as we extend a welcoming hand to these exiles, years may pass before those wounds heal, if ever.

Please, read this overview of Cynthia’s new book and share it with friends who could use this good news, this week.



From our authors—


Daniel Buttry on Gustavo Parajón

This Peacemaker’s Story Is Circling the World

THIS WEEK, everyone involved in the global effort to publish Healing the World: Gustavo Parajón, Public Health and Peacemaking Pioneer is sharing news about the timeliness of Parajón’s story. As his inspiring biography spreads around the world, the entire team of collaborators on this publishing project (from the UK to the US and Latin America) is praying for former President Jimmy Carter and his family, since Carter played such a crucial role in Parajón’s life and the former president recently endorsed Parajón’s memoir. Please, share this story with friends this week.



Gen. James Dozier

Hear the inspiring interview

PODCASTER GREG KRINO, who interviews guests with special insights into leadership and resilience, this week posted an hour-long podcast with retired Major General James Dozier, author of a memoir that touches on both of those themes: Finding My PolestarIn the 1980s, Dozier was held by terrorists in Italy, the highest-ranking U.S. soldier to have undergone such an ordeal. Dozier’s memoir tells his story, focusing on the list principles (collectively the “polestar”) that guides him through life and helped him to survive his captivity.



Howard Brown

Surviving Stress

THIS WEEK, Howard Brown’s Shining Brightly podcast series turns to a challenge millions of us grapple with every week: surviving stress.

This link will take you to Howard’s website,, where you’ll find a podcast with Dr. Peggy Gleason, headlined “Rise from the Ashes of Burnout.” And you’ll find a podcast with Dr. Mort Orman, called “Your Ultimate Guide to Dealing with Stress.”

Care to learn even more about resiliency in the midst of stress? Howard is taking part in a March 19-23 online event—a five-day series of talks streamed by more than a dozen experts under the banner, Stress Control Summit. Here’s a link to sign up for free streaming of events in this series.

Of course, there’s an even easier way to learn from Howard about resilience. Get a copy of his book, Shining Brightly, from Amazon. In the summit later this week, he will be talking about some of the stories in that memoir.



Rodney Curtis


Look up! Look up!

THE NEW ZEALAND TRILOGY concludes this week at author-and-photographer Rodney Curtis’ website. Want to learn more about this creative guy and his adventures? Check out Rodney’s Amazon Author Page.


Holidays & Festivals


Got your Green ready?

AS HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS columnist Stephanie Fenton reports:Around the world this week, revelers will remember the legendary Saint Patrick of Ireland, while embracing Irish culture through food, music, costuming and more.” (And, yes, she’s got links again this year to various versions of the famous Breastplate.)


2023 World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation

IF YOU ARE IN MICHIGAN ON MARCH 19, 2023—You’ll love this colorful, diverse celebration of peaceful affirmations from many different faith traditions. Click on this link to visit the World Sabbath website for more details on the event, which will be held at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield, Michigan, this year.



In the midst of Lent

STEPHANIE FENTON  has written about the start of Western Lent and about Clean Monday, when the Eastern Orthodox churches begin their Great Fast of Lent.

Looking for inspirational reading for Lent? If you have not already enjoyed Our Lent: Things We Carry by David Crumm, you can find that daily reader in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon. Also, for Lent 2023, we also are recommending Rachel Srubas’ thoughtful new book, The Desert of Compassion, which we featured in a Read the Spirit Cover Story in early February this year.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:



Click on this image to learn about the March 2023 issue of Ed McNulty’s Visual Parables Journal, which contains reviews and discussion guides to films, including Blonde, Jesus Revolution, Mr. & Mrs. Loving and Zora Neale Hurston plus many more.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:








