Seeing the Wind of the Holy Spirit as the 12-Step Movement Circles the World
COVER STORY—Millions of us know the 12-step movement as a lifeline in our families and communities. This week’s cover story features an interview with journalist and biographer Dawn Eden Goldstein who finally tells the true story of how “Father Ed” Dowling befriended Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill W.—and influenced the global expansion of the 12-step movement. That’s quite an accomplishment, because many errors have accumulated about Father Ed’s life because of the lack of such a thorough biography until now. When Goldstein finished her research and was able to clear away misconceptions, she concluded that Father Ed should be considered for canonization. That’s not hyperbole, and she ends her book with a page explaining how people can help with that effort.
Please, because the influence of this movement is so widespread in our families and communities, share this cover story with friends and family this week via social media and email. You might help someone in a way that you didn’t expect!
From our authors
Suzy Farbman—
A perfect example of one person reaching out to others
OUR BELOVED GodSigns COLUMNIST SUZY FARBMAN returns this week with a heart-felt ode to her 56th anniversary with her husband—a journey that has included trauma more than once. Please, read her column after you’ve read our cover story because it perfectly illustrates the power of one person to share a story that touches many other lives.
Larry Buxton—
How our daily lives ‘affect people in a powerful way’
LEADERSHIP COACH and AUTHOR LARRY BUXTON has been exploring this theme of the many ways our everyday behavior—simple acts—shape the lives of others. His earlier “Leading with Spirit” column, The Doctor’s Mocha Medicine, sparked a lot of conversation among our readers.
That led Larry, this week, to write Your Mundane Ministry, which includes a story about U-Haul rentals. This week, both Suzy and Larry are eloquently illustrating a core theme in the new Father Ed biography: “The spiritual callings of lay people are as valuable as any formal vocation to sacred orders.”
If you enjoy Larry’s columns and videos, check out his book: 30 Days with King David—On Leadership.
Holidays & Festivals
Yom Hashoah and a Recommitment to ‘Never Again’
HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS columnist Stephanie Fenton reminds us, in her coverage of Yom Hashoah, about the need to recommit ourselves to combat dangerous bigotry and to protect vulnerable minorities.
Eid Sa’id!
THIS WEEK, Stephanie Fenton reports on the end of the fasting month of Ramadan in the celebration often known simply as “the Eid.”
WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:

Click on this image to preview the November 2023 issue of Ed McNulty’s Visual Parables Journal. This issue includes complete discussion guides to movies such as A Thousand and One, The Quiet Girl, Close, The Lost King and On a Wing & a Prayer.
Faith & Film
ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.
Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:
- AIR—(In theaters) Ed writes, “In director Ben Afleck’s fifth film, the race is a heated one—a commercial race between three sneaker shoe companies: Converse, Adidas, and Nike.”
- LET ME HAVE MY SON—(In theaters) “Writer/director Cristobal Kruson’s newest film is a fictionalized story of his own spiritual journey that centers on his son’s descent into mental illness.”
- ON A WING AND A PRAYER—(Streaming on Amazon) “Sean McNamara’s film is based on a true story in which a seasoned pilot of a private twin-engined plane suffers a fatal heart attack.”
- THE LOST KING—(In theaters) “That truth is sometimes more bizarre than fiction is well demonstrated in Director Stephen Frears latest film, a historical detective story.”
- OPERATION MINCEMEAT—(Streaming on Netflix) “For those of us who missed 1956’s The Man Who Never Was, Netflix’s current film will introduce us to one of the great deceptions of WWII.”
- CLOSE—(Streaming) “‘Close’ well describes the friendship of two Belgian boys in Lukas Dhont‘s heartbreaking film.”
- THE QUIET GIRL—(Streaming) “Irish director Colm Bairead, with his co-writer Claire Keegan (author of the book the film is based on) has given us a touching story of a young girl from a dysfunctional family provided a chance to blossom despite her distracted parents.”