Cover Story: Diana Butler Bass on ‘Grounded,’ a ‘Spiritual Revolution’

‘Finding God in the World’ 

COVER STORY—In her new book, and in her preaching coast to coast in 2016, Diana takes seriously the classic Wesleyan proclamation: “The world is our parish.” Long-time readers of this historian and congregational consultant may be surprised to open the cover of Grounded. It’s a powerful new blend of prose and personal reflection, moving from scholarly observation—to active participation in finding spiritual awakenings in everyday life. And the book intentionally starts close to our homes by exploring deep truths in the soil and the water around us. Please, enjoy this interview with Diana by ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm.




DON’T MISS A HOLIDAY! Just remember this simple Web address to find all of the upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries.


NEW YEAR OF THE TREES—If you’re interested in connecting the spiritual and natural worlds, then you’ll be fascinated by the Jewish festival of TuB’shvat, also known as the new year of the trees. Stephanie Fenton explains the tradition.

URBAN FARMING (AND KALE SALAD)—Our FeedTheSpirit columnist Bobbie Lewis also digs into this week’s major theme—with an inspiring story about urban farming in Detroit. Recently, NYTimes headlines have been chronicling poverty in the troubled Motor City, so you may welcome this column about new life in the old city. And, of course, Bobbie shares a recipe: a kale salad with apples, walnut and sumac.



INTERNATIONAL OBSERVANCE—Although Israel and Jewish communities worldwide will mark Yom Hashoah this year in May, the United Nations annual observance of an international day of remembrance continues to spread a decade after it was declared by the UN. Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton reports on this year’s theme—and fascinating news about the world’s “oldest man.”




AND THE RISING GROUNDHOG—Ancient cultures affirm it: Spring is just around the corner! In the depths of North American winter, that may seem ridiculous—but the ancients looked for signs of new life. In addition to writing about Imbolc and Groundhog Day, Stephanie Fenton also writes about a nearly 2,000-year-old Christian festival marking a milestone in the early life of the infant Jesus.





One of our guiding principles: Good media builds good community. What does that mean? Enjoy these stories …

SUZY FARBMAN’S ‘GOD SIGNS’—Each week, GodSigns author Suzy Farbman brings us inspiring stories of men and women who demonstrate the huge potential life—if we open our eyes to new possibilities. This week, you’ll meet Nancy and Bill Barker who blended their families—even as Nancy continued her work on behalf of women around the world.

TRAVEL TO PANAMA WITH RODNEY—Author and photographer Rodney Curtis features a series of remarkable photographs from his recent journey to Panama.

HELP BIAS BUSTERS—The Bias Busters program at the Michigan State University School of Journalism is courageously stepping into the nationwide wave of anti-Muslim bigotry. Learn about this effort, spearheaded by MSU’s Joe Grimm and his students.

REDISCOVER HOPE—Daniel Buttry’s inspiring new book We Are the Socks is full of true stories about men and women who risked pursuing peace in the face of enormous challenges. Read about Dan’s adventure in writing this book. And, in a short video, Dan tells the surprising story behind the title.

INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS—You’ll enjoy more than 100 stories of men and women who dared to cross boundaries in Buttry’s main website: InterfaithPeacemakers




FOR MOVIE FANS—Do you enjoy making connections between faith and film? Veteran-faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty’s brand new book—”Jesus Christ, Movie Star.”—is a lots of fun and it’s inspiring as well!

FIRST ISSUE OF 2016—For complete study guides to many popular movies, check out the current issue of his Visual Parables Journal.
