Cover Story: Discover the revolutionary new Blue Ocean Faith

Launching a New Jesus Movement

500 YEARS AFTER LUTHER—Meet Dave Schmelzer, head of a daring new religious movement launching nationwide this spring: Blue Ocean Faith. That’s also the name of the debut book by Schmelzer explaining the founding principles of this new Christian denomination. Those principles begin with a clean slate—removing all the barriers that have bedeviled churches nationwide over the past century and have touched off internal civil wars over racism, women’s rights and the inclusion of LGBT Christians. This new Blue Ocean movement sweeps all of those barriers aside in its quest for a fresh relationship with Jesus. Editor David Crumm interviews Schmelzer and explains the historic milestones that pave the pathway for these Christian reformers. Plus, we’ve got easy links to Amazon and Barnes & Noble if you want to learn more about this launch.



And speaking of fresh ideas …

ALL-LOCAL GROCERIES—Our FeedTheSpirit writer and editor Bobbie Lewis brings us a guest column this week about a fresh trend in Michigan: all-local groceries that are a hybrid of farmers’ markets and commercial food stores. And, as always, she includes a delicious recipe: Amish Cabbage Casserole.




5 NEW VISIONS FROM DOWN UNDER—Author, photographer and world traveler Rodney Curtis brings us five—Count ’em, 5!—striking photographs and short stories from a journey with his family to explore the wonders of New Zealand. You can find an overview of the first 4 at Rodney’s homepage. But there’s so much more to see here! Here are direct links to each of the five illustrated stories: Hot Water Beach, then Hobbiton, and Kerosene Creek, plus Wild Horses & Strawberry, and Penguin Parade.




SUZY FARBMAN, this week, brings us the story of Wendy Palmer who lost her father but now recalls him fondly through their shared love of birds.






CHECK OUT ALL OF 2017’s SPECIAL DAYS—It’s as simple as visiting

PURIM—Jewish families celebrate with lively readings of the ancient story of Esther. Treats include triangle-shaped cookies. Want to know how to make Hamentaschen? Bobbie Lewis has her own perspective on the holiday—a yummy recipe.

ONE EASTER! This is one of the unusual years when the Eastern and Western branches of Christianity converge on a single date for Easter: April 16. That means the entire Christian world of more than 2 billion souls is in the midst of Lent.

HOLIColorful powders fill the air in Holi festivals and Stephanie Fenton has our story about this tradition that comes from India. Once, this fun spring festival was largely unknown outside of India, but today it is celebrated on American college campuses and in many communities where immigrant families have settled. Stephanie’s column also notes that Sikh families mark this occasion in a different way in a festival known as Hola Mohalla.




ED McNULTY—Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website: Among Ed’s latest free movie reviews are:




