COVER STORY: Dr. David Gushee and Jonathan Grimm discuss: When do our faith and conscience compel us to speak out?

Two Authors Whose Faith and Conscience Move Them to Prophetically Help Others

THIS WEEK’s COVER STORY is actually a magazine-style collection of stories on a single theme: “When do our faith and conscience compel us to speak out?”

FIRST, we are featuring a unique conversation between bestselling Christian ethicist Dr. David Gushee and his former student financial expert Jonathan Grimm, talking about the moral teachings of Jesus that should prompt millions of Americans to think about the deeply conflicted state of our nation and our world today.

This is a video conversation you’ll want to share with friends—and may find yourself quoting in coming weeks as we contend with the complex issues in this political season.


SECOND, Jonathan Grimm is launching his own major new effort to help the millions of Americans who are facing a looming retirement crisis. That’s a situation that Grimm details in his new book, written in part because of the social conscience that his mentor Dr. Gushee helped to spark in him years ago. We can avoid that financial crisis, Grimm believes, if we understand more about the powerful financial, social and cultural forces that are pushing us toward that critical shortfall. AND—like his mentor Dr. Gushee—Grimm is committed to producing free weekly columns that will be valuable in helping readers nationwide understand the challenges we face. So, please, check out his new offering—The (free) Grimm News service—and please consider signing up yourself.


THIRD, Dr. Gushee has issued a public challenge to men and women of faith and conscience nationwide to consider co-signing the “Christian Faith and Democracy” statement about core Christian values that call for “a multi-racial, multi-faith, multi-generational democracy, where every voice is valued and every person afforded the opportunity to participate fully and freely in the life of the community.” Original sponsors of this online effort include Jim Wallis through the Georgetown Center for Faith & Justice as well as Walter Brueggemann, Diana Butler Bass, Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, EJ Dionne, Adam Hamilton, Brian McLaren, Miroslav Volf—and, like Dr. Gushee, another member of our own community of authors: Bill Wylie-Kellermann. This letter was designed as specifically “Christian” so that it could serve as a direct counter to groups of “Christian Nationalists” who are calling for much different outcomes in the 2024 elections.


THEN FOURTH, we have a review of Dr. Gushee’s new book about Jesus’ moral teachings by veteran journalist Bill Tammeus. In his review, Tammeus starts by citing the all-time-best-selling author about Christianity’s relevance in our world—C.S. Lewis. Then, Bill makes intriguing comparisons with Gushee’s book. Also, if you read to the end of Tammeus’ column—you will find a couple of other news items of moral concern in our troubled world.

Thanks Bill for your weekly contributions that so thoughtfully inspire and provoke us! If you missed it last week, you’ll also want to read Bill’s column about the legacy of “9/11.” Bill writes about this observance, each year, from the viewpoint of a family member of a loved one who perished that day. To read more of Bill’s reflections on the legacy of 9/11—including Bill’s powerful recommendations for “unplugging” extremism in America—get a copy of his memoir, Love, Loss and Endurance.(If you missed it, you’ll also want to read Bill’s column a week ago about the legacy of “9/11.”)



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ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:











