Cover Story: How are Americans choosing congregations?


MEET GLENN WAGNER—This week, we are reporting on a startling new Pew Research report about why Americans choose to join congregations—and a new author who is trying to reach the millions of men and women who are still outside religious life, looking in. Glenn Wagner is a veteran pastor who has experienced the best of caring communities around the world—and has collected some of his best stories about discovering God’s presence in the lives of ordinary people.




A DIVERSE CONTINENT—In 2016, our magazine team often connects with the worldwide network of reporters covering faith and spirituality, the International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ). That nonprofit just hosted a major conference in Africa to discuss many of the challenges—and misperceptions—about religion in that vast continent. This week, three IARJ leaders are publishing highlights from that conferenceAre you interested in fresh perspectives on world religions? Visit the IARJ website and click “follow” on the group’s Twitter feed, which posts important news in several languages, sharing tips on some of the best coverage of religion around the planet. If you care about accurate reporting on faith from a global perspective, you’ll be glad you picked up the IARJ’s Twitter offering.




GODSIGNS—Columnist Suzy Farbman takes a trip to New York City for a family reunion with the branches of her family that connect with the famous architect Albert Kahn. Along the way, Suzy discovers a memoir written by her grandmother that tells a fascinating story of a young woman’s efforts to make a difference in her family’s corporate world. Suzy’s columns always are a bright spot in a busy week so, once again: Enjoy!



MSU journalists publish ‘To My Professor’

NEED HELP THIS FALL? Countless headlines in recent years highlight confusion between educators and students who, today, control powerful realms of social media where they can echo their frustration around the world. Now, the Michigan State University School of Journalism, which already has published a popular series of books on cultural diversity, is starting this new school year with a book designed to sort out much of that confusion. The new book is called To My Professor: Student Voices for Great College Teaching, produced by the students you see in this photograph.



WELCOME AUTUMN! Holidays-and-Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton (who also, by the way, is a member of the international journalists’ association featured above) reports on an autumn festival associated with the Equinox: Mabon.

Check out all the holidays! Tell friends about the simply Web address:





ED McNULTY—Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website:

Among Ed’s latest movie reviews are:



