Cover Story: In this time of turbulence, how can we learn to talk to each other again?

Click these hands to read Ben’s and Rossie’s story.

‘A Generous World’

THE COURAGE OF CIVILITY—When was the last time you spoke with someone who sincerely told you that we should have faith in our “generous world”? If anything in 2018, we hear people shouting at each other as they compete for the world’s resources. Then, this week, you are likely to be surprised by reading this collaboration between our popular writer Benjamin Pratt and a very old friend—Judge Rossie Alston Jr., who is in news headlines this month for his nomination as a federal judge. This is a story you will want to share with friends. And, just a reminder: You always are free to reprint and share our columns to spark friendly discussion.



Click to read Suzy’s column.

Family Bonds Strained & Strengthened

GOD SIGNS—Millions of grandparents nationwide have become the primary caregivers for their grandchildren, often because of the strains of drug addiction or other issues in these families. Suzy Farbman’s column introduces us to  a family taking on a whole series of roller-coaster challenges to care for their children in new ways. Perhaps you know someone who is facing similar challenges. Please, read this week’s inspiring story.



Click to read about July 4.


READY FOR THE FOURTH? Record numbers of Americans plan to travel far from home for Independence Day celebrations this year. Stephanie Fenton’s column takes us back to 1776 to explain why this date became so historic. She also links to lots of resources, including the national concert that will be carried by PBS as well as lots of delicious recipes and tips for Do It Yourself party planning.

Click to read about the Three Weeks.

THE THREE WEEKS—Jewish friends, neighbors and colleagues may be observing this three-week remembrance of the temples in Jerusalem. Stephanie Fenton explains the tradition and provides links to further resources.

GET READY FOR HOT DOGS! Stock up now! July is National Hot Dog Month and our own resident author Joe Grimm is one of the nation’s leading hot dog experts—at least when it comes to Michigan’s signature treatment of this beloved food: the Coney Island. Enjoy our story about July’s many food festivals, which also include ice cream, chocolate and fried chicken.

Want to see all the holidays?



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Front Edge Publishing

WORRIED ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY? A recent European law about online privacy is sparking websites to provide new transparency for readers. Of course, ReadTheSpirit magazine and Front Edge Publishing both support the new privacy policies. In “clear and plain language,” as required by the new law, here is an overview of why you should care—and how we already are complying with the spirit of these new protections.

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Click the movie still to read about Wadjda.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:


