Cover Story: Invite your children to care for God’s creation


COVER STORY—The Humane Society of the United States—founded in 1954 and now comprised of 11 million members—understands the deep connection between faith and compassion for the world’s population of humans and non-human creatures. New this spring, HSUS is offering a free set of lesson plans to help children begin to build their own caring connection between our faith—and our concern for life on Planet Earth. Today, start by reading this story about the new offering from HSUS. Use it yourself or share this news with parents or educators you know.

ALSO—The HSUS has published a book-length overview of teachings about care for living things issued by many major religious groups. Their book is called, Every Living Thing. This spring, the book has been recommended by a noted vegetarian journal. So, you’ll also want to read this story that shares news about this latest recommendation of the HSUS book.




DISCOVER AMERICA’S DIVERSE FLAVORS—Our FeedTheSpirit columnist Bobbie Lewis invites us all,  this week, to stroll with her through one of America’s great centers of Arab-American cuisine: Dearborn, Michigan. Bobbie and her husband signed up for a special walking—and tasting—tour of the ever-expanding Dearborn food scene. And, she also shares a delightful recipe for a savory, vegetarian stew.





Don’t miss a date! Remember, our master calendar.

TWO ISRAELI HOLIDAYS—Jewish communities around the world, this week, will be marking a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives defending Israel—as well as Israel’s independence day. Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton reports on these back-to-back observances with links to additional inspirational readings.


PENTECOST—The Eastern and Western branches of Christianity are separated by about a month this year, due to traditional differences in the way Christian leaders mark the date of Easter on the calendar. However, for the majority of churches across the U.S., Sunday May 15 is Pentecost Sunday, sometimes referred to simply as “the birthday of the church.” Stephanie Fenton has the story.



WHEN LILACS BLOOM—We never need an excuse to invoke the spirit of Walt Whitman and Abe Lincoln in the pages of ReadTheSpirit. Of all the topics we have explored through the past decade, coverage of Lincoln in general draws the most readers—thousands upon thousands. So, if you are like us in our Michigan home office, and lilacs once again are blooming in your “dooryard,” you may want to revisit our page devoted to Whitman’s verse on Lincoln. Come on. Share this with a friend.




Since ReadTheSpirit magazine was founded a decade ago, the single most popular writer has been Dr. Wayne Baker, creator of the daily OurValues series that published 2,000 columns on American values before it concluded in late 2015. This story explains what Dr. Baker has been doing since then—including news of a powerful new App he and his wife are offering through their leadership-training company. Plus, we’ve got a brand-new TEDx video of Baker talking about the universal value best known by the phrase: “Pay it forward!




LOVE MOVIES? Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website: 
In addition, consider subscribing to the one service Ed sells to support his work: the long-running Visual Parables Journal, which provides complete study guides for new films in each monthly issue. The May 2016 issue is now available.
Among Ed’s recent free reviews are …





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